
Wednesday, 11 December 2017  

Address of the President Xhaferi at the Public Debate “70 Years of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights: Overview”

Distinguished colleagues MPs,  
Your Excellencies,  
Ladies and gentlemen,  
Distinguished representatives of the NGO Sector  
Distinguished representatives of the media  

Two weeks ago, when we marked the action against family violence and against the gender based violence, I have opened my address with the First and Second Amendment of the Universal Declaration on Human Rights. We are here today, to mark 10 December, when in the distant 1948, the UN General Assembly adopted this Declaration. A Declaration, which in my opinion is the highest civilization benefit in the history of mankind. As such, it is incorporated in the legal system of almost all states, and in the same time it is one of the fundamental principles of the international law and relations. Nevertheless, the bitter fact remains, that in the past, almost 7 decade we whiteness numerous examples of violation of the human rights, and the fact that concern us is that there are occurrences of systematic violations, by state and by-state institutions. I believe we all remember the events in former Yugoslavia, or the events with Rohingya in Myanmar whose only sin was to be ethic and religious, thus as the UN High Commissioner  on Human Rights  stated, they are subject of genocide. Unfortunately there are many similar examples; I shall only mention the refugees from Africa, Iraq, and Syria. Thus, today, a one – year campaign on global level starts today to mark the 70th Anniversary since the adoption of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. The Campaign should firstly nationally, and in the same time globally reaffirm the values and standards when the achievement and respect of human rights and freedoms are in question, but also analyze where and why the human rights are not respected. 

Ladies and gentlemen,  

In the Republic of Macedonia, from normative aspect, we have incorporated all principles and values of the Universal Declaration of Human Right. The question is to what degree they are respected, whether in the period following the independence the human rights and freedoms have positive tendencies. According to the reports of the international organizations: State Department, European Commission and other institutions, the Republic of Macedonia progresses, when human rights and freedoms are in question. I believe than many of us will say that greater dynamics is needed, above all in the institutions citizens have daily interaction with. Namely, let us not forget that the human rights and freedoms are a dynamic category which requires constant promotion and certainly transparent reactions, if you wish, sanctioning of the violators of the standards and principles of this Declaration. I believe that in this area the Assembly, especially the Standing Inquiry Committee on protection of Civil Freedoms and Rights can do a lot. I believe that today’s public debate is an initiation for the numerous activities dedicated to the protection and promotion of the human rights and freedoms in the oncoming year. Furthermore, I would underline the role of the Ombudsman. If one follows the Reports of the Ombudsman closely it is noticeable that these reports locate all issues and problems in regard with the respect or disrespect of the human rights by the institutions.

Also, the irreplaceable of the NGO Sector, which so far pointed out and reacted in the cases of disrespect of the human rights and freedoms. Certainly, the role of the media is of equal importance, when one side they should examine and inform on the disrespect of the human rights and freedoms, and on the other have to constantly affirm the principles and standards of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.

Dear friends,

In the end, I would like to emphasize that when we speak of the respect of human rights and freedoms, perhaps the most important is the process of socialization hand in hand with the education process. If all this starts at home, the family to bring up children with the idea that we are all equal, if the education system starting from kindergarten to university incorporates the values and standards of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. I am convinced that within our state and globally the violation of human rights and freedoms will decline. Hence, as a President of the Assembly and as citizen I will fully support all activities that contribute on the greater respect of human rights and freedoms, since as I have said at the beginning, this is our highest civilization value that makes us genuine people.  

Thank you.   


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