
Thursday, August 2nd 2018

Address of the President Xhaferi on the Occasion of 2nd of August – Ilinden

Distinguished members of the family of Metodija Andonov Chento,  
Distinguished Vice-president of the Assembly of the Republic of Macedonia, 
Distinguished Ministers in the Government of the Republic of Macedonia,  
Distinguished Colleagues of the current and the previous compositions of the Assembly of the Republic of Macedonia 
Distinguished representatives of the Union of Fighters, 
Distinguished representatives of the judiciary, of the religious communities and local governance, 
Representatives of the Cabinet of the President of the Republic,
Excellencies and representatives of the diplomatic corps in the Republic of Macedonia and, 
Representatives of the media,
Esteemed citizens, 
Ladies and gentlemen,  

The 2nd of August – Ilinden is one of the fundamental dates in the history of the Republic of Macedonia and her citizens that fought and gave their most valuable asset, their youth, their lives to create our mutual state, the Republic of Macedonia. Regardless if we speak of Ilinden 1903 – the Krushevo Republic, or Ilinden of 1944 – the ASNOM Session, when the foundations of the statehood were established and when all generations shared a single goal – free and independent state in which the individuals’ freedoms and rights will be equally respected regardless of one’s ethic, religious or other characteristic. If we look at the Krushevo Manifest, if we look at the ASNOM documents we are easily convinced that the human freedoms and rights the multiethnic and multi confessional character of the Macedonian society were the fundamental pillars which the leaders of both Ilindens imagined how to build a state and develop civil society on. In the fight for achieving these goals many known and unknown fighters gave their lives. 


Today we are here, in front of the monument of Metodija Andonov Chento, who was the President of ASNOM, and in 1945 was also elected as first President of the Presidium of the People’s Assembly. Striving for greater political and economic freedom for each citizen and greater independence of the Republic of Macedonia, in those iron times of single party system, in a framed process, he was sentenced to 11 years in jail. After over 9 years in jail, seriously sick, he was conditionally released, but dies soon after in his hometown Prilep. The dreams and efforts of Metodija Andonov Chento came to light on 8 September 1991 when, on a referendum, we have determined the Republic of Macedonia to be independent and sovereign state. Since the very beginning of our independence, the Membership in EU and NATO were determined as our strategic goals, essentially important for the prosperity of our state.

Dear friends, 

In these 27 years of independence we have been through much turmoil and crisis, nevertheless, we have managed to surpass them together and to advance to the achievement of our strategic goal, even more important, these turmoil and crisis for the citizens, regardless of their ethnic, religious, political or any other belonging did not disturb the spirit of unity, coexistence and tolerance. These are values that were confirmed throughout our joint history and which are confirmed in our daily lives. Since we have known how to share both, the joyfully and less joyfully moments of life. We have a mutual state and we are all responsible to preserve and develop the state for the generations to come. In the same time, all of us, who live here or at least the majority of the citizens, share the mutual determination, full fledged membership in EU and NATO. Today, I can gladly conclude that the overall labor and dedication invested so far by the political entities demonstrates positive results. Namely, we have received the invitation for full fledged membership in NATO, we have precise date for opening the accession negotiations with the European Union.  Nevertheless, I have to underline that we have received a lot of support from our international friends and we express sincere appreciation. Still, today, the Republic of Macedonia, I would say, all the citizens of the Republic of Macedonia are facing even greater decision, perhaps a destiny determining decision. Whether we shall go forwards to the Euro – Atlantic Integration or we shall remain in the blind Balkan crossroad that leads nowhere is our own choice. The current governance and the parliamentary majority demonstrated their readiness to take on the responsibility for the future of the state and the citizens. Hence, we call on the opposition also to take on the responsibility for the future of the state and the citizens. Therefore, today, when we mark the two Ilindens and when we express endless respect and appreciation to all Ilinden fighters, from this stand, I would like to call upon all the citizens, all leaders of the political parties, as well as my colleagues MPs from the majority and the opposition to be truly responsible and through their vision and the power of the vote to support the fulfilment of the agreement, which will realize the strategic goal, membership in EU and NATO, which will  make us fulfill the dreams and efforts of the previous generations for free, independent state, in which the respect of the human rights and freedoms is essential.. This is our debt to all who fought for such Republic of Macedonia. This is our obligation to our children, grandchildren, and future generations- to provide them to live, grow, educate and create in a European Macedonia, modern, prosperous state of European citizens. 

Thank you.  


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