
Friday, 7 September 2018  


Distinguished Prime Minister of the Republic of Macedonia,
Distinguished Members of the first parliamentary composition of the Assembly of the Republic of Macedonia,
Distinguished colleagues,
Representatives of the religious communities,  
Your Excellencies, 
Ladies and gentlemen,  

8th of September, together with the two Ilindens, is the tripod the Republic of Macedonia is founded and built on. If the generations of Ilinden 1903 and Ilinden 1944 fought bravely, distinctively and followed their vision, many of whom gave their lives; the citizens on 8th September 1991, also followed their vision and bravely voted - the majority translated this referendum decision into constitutional and legal framework providing the Republic of Macedonia to be recognized as sovereign and independent identity by the international community. Thus allow me today, on my personal behalf and on behalf of all attendees and I am convinced that I speak on behalf of all citizens, to express appreciation to the Members of the firs composition of the Assembly of the Republic of Macedonia.  

Ladies and gentlemen, 

27 years ago, here, in this Assembly, the strategic goals of the Republic of Macedonia were founded – the Euro – Atlantic integration. This strategic determination, then and now has been enjoying great support among the citizens. Declaratively, all political parties stand behind the European integration, which is evident through the numerous resolutions and declarations adopted in this Assembly. 

Dear friends,  

In the past 27 years of independence, a lot has been done. The Republic of Macedonia is a state of equal citizens, state where the individual and collective human rights are respected. The multiethnic, multicultural and muticonfessional society is a positive example for the region and beyond. Hence, I am convinced that aside from the great challenges we were faced with, we are much closer to the achievement of our strategic determinations established 27 years ago – the full - fledged membership in EU and NATO. 

Ladies and gentlemen,

It is unnecessary to remind of the ratification of the Friendship Agreement with the Republic of Bulgaria and the Prespa Agreement signed by the Ministers of Foreign Affairs in the presence and support of the both Prime Ministers Zaev and Tsipras, which opened us the door for full - fledged membership in NATO and receiving a date on opening accession negotiations with the EU. The current parliamentary majority, taking on the overall political responcibility, adopted a decision to schedule a referendum for 30th September, regarding the Prespa Agreement. The bearer of the campaign for the referendum is the Assembly of the Republic of Macedonia in other words the MPs and the political groups, which is another confirmation for the democratic capacity of this parliamentary composition. 

Allow me to seize this celebratory occasion and to address all political leaders, colleagues MPs and the citizens. On 30th September each one of us shall have the opportunity, through the casted vote, to determine the presence, one’s own future, but also the future of the generations to come. Each one of us, on 30th September should recall our grandparents who wisely evaluated what is good for them, but also knew how to behave responsibly to the generations to come. 

It was confirmed that the courage, decisiveness and forward - thinking are part of our beings regardless of the ethnic belonging or religion we practice. On this occasion, I would add that we have always known how to respect each other; hence I would appeal to all participants in the campaign to be positive, without insults and disqualifications towards those who think differently. I am convinced that on 30th September, we the citizens, will be responsible, cast our votes, majorly turning out, we shall secure stabile presence and better future, in the European community of nations, to whom we belong as culture and as civilization. 

Dear friends, let us celebrate the next 8th September as full – fledged Member of NATO and as intensive negotiators with the European Union. 

Thank you.


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