
Wednesday, 31 August 2016, Warsaw 

Comment of the President Veljanoski on the Contribution of the National parliaments in the Multilateral Cooperation Central and Eastern Europe

Distinguished Chairman,  
Distinguished colleagues,  
Ladies and gentlemen,  

The fact that we are gathered here and discuss many topics confirms the role, importance and the responsibility of the national parliaments in the development of the bilateral relations, even further in the multilateral relations, on the level of regional cooperation, but also on the level of the European Union and wider. Today, all significant international organization and association structurally include parliamentary assemblies, as a significant segment of their work.

Ladies and gentlemen, 

The Republic of Macedonia is member of many regional associations and without false modesty, I have to underline that in the framework of our possibilities, we provide maximum contribution in the achievements of the aims, tasks and the general policy of these regional associations. In this manner, through a positive synergy, constructive dialogue and certainly respect of the arguments of others, the best solutions benefiting each state, as well as the region can be found.

For example, upon an initiative of the Hungarian Parliament, as Presidents of the Parliaments of the Western Balkan states, we regularly meet in Budapest, where we debate very important issues connected with the Region and its Euro Atlantic perspective.

Furthermore, allow me to underline that recently we have marked 20 years since the establishment of the South East Europe Assembly; a regional association established in 1996 which through its work faced many challenges we face today, as a region and as member states. The most important, in my opinion is the fact that slowly but surely the trust among the states in the region returns. There is a saying in Macedonia that reads “If the bear gets in the neighbor’s yard go and help him, since tomorrow the bear may come to your yard.” Today, when we live in a world where the globalization processes are prompt, I do not believe that states can face these challenges alone. That is why the bilateral cooperation is needed, but even more needed is the one on multilateral level. In this manner the positive tendencies carried by the globalization shall be implemented faster. It is of similar importance to face the negative occurrences that follow the processes of globalization. Let me remind you of the problem with the migration crisis. You are all aware that Macedonia was a transit area for these people forced by the trouble and the war to leave their homes. Unfortunately at the very beginnings the cooperation on bilateral and multilateral level was not appropriate, and the fact that we are a small state with very limited resources cannot be ignored. As an illustration of the problem I will only mention that Macedonia has a population of 2 million, and 1 million refugees transited through the state. Later, the multilateral cooperation started functioning which was useful for the whole region, i.e. for all stets from the refugees route, but also for the migrants themselves. 


Allow me to seize this opportunity and to appeal to all participants in the framework of their competences, within their National parliaments and other national institutions, through different mechanisms, to always motivate the multilateral cooperation. I believe that we have gained experience and knowledge how to build better future together, within our states, on the level of regions, thus on the level of United Europe. 

Thank you. 


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