
Tuesday, 14 November 2017 

Meeting of the President Xhaferi and Mr. Emilio Lorenzo Serra, Ambassador of the Kingdom of Spain to the Republic of Macedonia  

The President of the Assembly of the Republic of Macedonia, Mr. Talat Xhaferi met the Newly Appointed, Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Ambassador of the Kingdom of Spain to the Republic of Macedonia Mr. Emilio Lorenzo Serra.  

The President Xhaferi welcomed the Ambassador to the Republic of Macedonia and wished him successful and fruitful work, expressing pleasure from the fact that the political relations with the Kingdom of Spain are friendly and have no open issues. The President Xhaferi informed the Ambassador on the invitation to his colleague of from the Congress of Deputies of the Kingdom of Spain, Ms. Ana Pastor, to visit the Republic of Macedonia during 2018. Also the President expressed appreciation for the aspirations for membership of Macedonia to NATO and EU and informed the Ambassador on the current reforms taken to achieve the benchmarks, including the improvement of the relations with the neighbours.  

In regard with the current affairs in Spain, the President Xhaferi reaffirmed the opinion that the Republic of Macedonia fully supports the Government of the Kingdom of Spain for preservation of its territorial integrity and sovereignty, respecting the Constitution and Laws and expressed conviction that the Government of the Kingdom of Spain shall succeed in preserving the Constitutional order in a democratic manner, order that guarantees the freedoms and rights of all citizens.  

Ambassador Serra expressed appreciation for the meeting and the opportunity to exchange opinions for the current affairs in the two states. He underlined that Spain will continue its support to the Republic of Macedonia for membership in NATO and EU, since its Membership will contribute in the stability of the whole region. This will be more intensively done during the upcoming Presidencies with the Council of EU in 2018 and 2019, whose joint denominator will be the enlargement of EU with the Western Balkan States. Ambassador Serra welcomed the reform processes in the state and building the good neighbourly relations, which are essential precondition for membership in the Euro – Atlantic organizations. 

The interlocutors concluded an insufficient intensity of high level meetings; obliged to seize the momentum and the two newly elected officials to personally contribute in the intensification of the parliamentary cooperation.  


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