
Wednesday, 20 December 2017, Tirana 

Meeting of the President Xhaferi and the president of the Republic of Albania, Mr. Ilir Meta  

The President of the Assembly of the Republic of Macedonia, Mr. Talat Xhaferi and the Delegation of the Assembly of the Republic of Macedonia had a meeting with the President of Albania, Mr. Ilir Meta. The meeting was held in a sincere and warm atmosphere, which is a sign of excellent bilateral relations between the two states, without open issues, which was the conclusion from the both sides. 

The interlocutors agreed that in regard with deepening the high level relations in the future, thus strengthening the ties in the legislative, executive and judicial governance, should include the cross border cooperation, municipal cooperation, as well as economic cooperation. The President of the Republic of Albania, Mr. Meta stated that Albania, as Member of NATO strongly supports the Republic of Macedonia in the aspiration for full – fledged membership in this security structure, and agreed that the implementation of the reforms and building good neighbourly relations with all neighbours is essential for Macedonia in the period to come, since this is important for the stability of the state, but also for the region as a whole. 

In this context, the President Xhaferi informed Mr. Meta on the current political developments in Macedonia, underling that we are focused on building a true civil society, using all democratic mechanisms according to the Constitution and Laws, to implements all reform processes crucial for the integration in EU and NATO, as well as to establish good neighbourly relations. Here, in addition to the successful government meetings with the two neighbouring states in Podgradec, he underlined the dedication of the current Government to ratify the Agreement on Friendship, Good Neighbourly Relations and Cooperation with Bulgaria and to intensify the communication with Greece. The interlocutors underlined that there is a positive political crisis established in the past period for resolution of the crucial affairs that will benefit the accession of the Region in the European Family and that this positive momentum should not be missed. 

In addition to these topics, the meeting referred to the promotion of the right of the ethnicities in the two states, and the President Xhaferi welcomed the adoption of the Law on Minorities in Albania, which acknowledged 9 minorities, including the Macedonian minority and underlined that the Parliaments should continuously improve the legislative frameworks aiming to provide the citizens all rights and to feel good where ever they are.   


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