
Monday, 22 May 2017

Parliament Speaker Talat Xhaferi meets with high-ranking officers and civilians from the Royal College of Defence Studies from London

The President of the Assembly of the Republic of Macedonia, Mr. Talat Xhaferi held a meeting today organized by the UK Embassy in the Republic of Macedonia with a delegation of high-ranking officers and civilians from the Royal College of Defence Studies from London led by Mr. Nicholas Evans. The college is one of the most highly distinguished colleges of defence studies in the world, and delegates, as part of their studies, are assigned to observe certain regions of the world. Aside from UK officers, the college has officers from several regions of the world – Europe, New Zealand, the Middle East, Mexico, Africa and Japan.

During visits, emphasis is placed on exchanging opinions and insight on current political issues as well as strategic issues of defensive and security nature.

Parliament Speaker Talat Xhaferi sincerely thanked for the congratulations expressed on his being elected President of the Assembly and voiced his particular pleasure and challenge to hold this high position as the President of all members of the Assembly, and consequently, of all citizens of the Republic of Macedonia. He informed about the current and future work of the Assembly related to electing a new government, as well as forming the working bodies of the Assembly, changes to the Electoral Code in context of the local elections scheduled this fall and generally the work done towards reinstating the democratic institutions of the country following the standstill caused by the political crisis.

The members of the delegation have shown interest in several issues related to internal policy as well as those of international context, while interlocutors exchanged opinions on: future challenges of the new Assembly, the role of the Assembly as a corrective to the executive power, the European and Euro-Atlantic integration of the Republic of Macedonia, the name dispute, the relations with, sensibility and expectations of the citizens of the Republic of Macedonia concerning the European Union as a desirable entity, as well as different international influences in context of the integration of Western Balkan countries into NATO.


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