
Thursday, 17 May 2018  

Reception in the honour of the Prime Minister of UK, Ms. Teresa May, organized by the President Xhaferi  

The President of the Assembly of the Republic of Macedonia, Mr. Talat Xhaferi organized a Reception in the honour of the Prime Minister of UK, Ms. Teresa May 

The President Xhaferi in his address underlined:  
Distinguished Madame Prime Minister  
Ladies and gentlemen  

It is my great honour and pleasure to have the opportunity and the privilege to welcome you and to host in the Assembly of the Republic of Macedonia.  

This is a home of the citizens, opened and accessible for all benevolent. We constantly implement reforms, following the example of the states with longstanding democracy in order to achieve transparent and fully functional Assembly. 

We receive selfless support from our international friends, through Projects such as the Wilton Park for building efficient and independent Parliament supported by the Westminster Foundation for Democracy, which the government and the opposition fully contributed in. We are dedicated to restoring the true role of the Legislative House and it seems that we are finally on the right path considering the latest Progress Report, which was positive and unconditioned. We shall continue this path, for the benefit of our citizens, children, future generations; the Republic of Macedonia and all who share the European values and standards. 

Once again Madam Prime Minister thank you for this visit. I wish you pleasant stay in the Republic of Macedonia.

The Prime Minister May underlined that she is honoured that the President organizes reception in her honour and underlined that the best Parliaments have two things in common: First, they are places where the people have access to their representatives, and know what work is being done on their behalf; and second, they need to be a place where MPs are able and willing to challenge the Government and other public institutions on their actions and their policies.  

“I know this building has witnessed some difficult times. But I am also aware of the change that has happened since then and the desire for reform that will make this Parliament stronger and more professional. I am proud that the UK is supporting those reforms through our programme funds.  Because when democracy thrives, we all benefit – and a stronger Parliament means stronger Macedonia. “ 


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