Public debate: Financing the activities envisaged in the Na...

Friday, 23 November 2018

Public debate: Financing the activities envisaged in the National Action Plan for the Implementation of the Istanbul Convention

The president of the Committee, Ms. Daniela Rangelova, pointed out that this Public Debate was held in cooperation with the Women Parliamentarians' Club and on the initiative of the National Network to End Violence against Women and Domestic Violence.  It conveniently coincided with November 25 - the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women.

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Address by President Xhaferi at the launch of the publicati...

Friday, 23 November 2018

Address by President Xhaferi at the launch of the publication "Intelligence Oversight Guidelines", organized by DCAF

I believe that all of us present here today, on the promotion of the publication "Intelligence Oversight Guidelines", share the same sense of satisfaction as this is the first tangible product after the signing of the Memorandum of Cooperation, and it is a sign that the project is going well.

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Address by President Xhaferi on the occasion of 22 November...

Thursday, 22 November 2018

Address by President Xhaferi on the occasion of 22 November, the Day of the Alphabet

I am happy and honored at the same time to be the host on this grand evening, when we mark the 110th anniversary of the Bitola Congress, the 110th anniversary of the unification of the Albanian alphabet, and it is my pleasure, as President of the Assembly, and on behalf of the Members of Parliament in the Assembly of the Republic of Macedonia, to greet you all, who, with your arrival, enhanced the value and significance of th

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In need of intensifying the cooperation between Macedonia a...

Wednesday, 21 November 2018

In need of intensifying the cooperation between Macedonia and Kuwait

The President of the Parliamentary Group of the Assembly of the Republic of Macedonia for Cooperation with the Parliaments of Middle East Countries, Muhamed Zekiri, and the members of the Group, Pancho Minov and Nedzbedin Karemani had a meeting with the Ambassador of the State of Kuwait to the Republic of Macedonia, H.E. Mr. Yacoub Alatiki.

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Parliamentary delegation at the 64th Annual Session of the ...

Tuesday, 20 November 2018

Parliamentary delegation at the 64th Annual Session of the NATO Parliamentary Assembly in Halifax, Canada

The President of the Assembly of the Republic of Macedonia, Mr. Talat Xhaferi and the Delegation to the Parliamentary Assembly of NATO PA, Mr. Ilija Dimovski, Ms. Katerina Kuzmanovska and Mr. Vesel Memedi attended the 64th annual session of the NATO Parliamentary Assembly, which took place in Halifax, Canada from November 16-19, 2018.

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Cultural heritage - a key segment when defining culture and...

Tuesday, 20 November 2018

Cultural heritage - a key segment when defining culture and the development of a civilization 

At the invitation of the European Parliament, the chair of the parliamentary Committee on Culture, Ms. Irena Stefoska participated in an interparliamentary committee meeting on the topic "European Cultural Heritage", held in the European Parliament in Brussels, the Kingdom of Belgium. Ms. Stefoska had an address on the topic "The cultural heritage in the Republic of Macedonia: basis for the future".

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Delegation of the Committee on European Affairs at the Vien...

Tuesday, 20 November 2018

Delegation of the Committee on European Affairs at the Vienna Conference

A Delegation of the Committee on European Affairs of the Assembly of the Republic of Macedonia, composed of Shpresa Hadri, Lidija Tasevska and Vladanka Avirovik, took part in the two-day Conference of the Committees on European Affairs, held in Vienna, from 18-20 November

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Address by President Xhaferi at the 64th NATO Parliamentary...

Monday, 19 November 2018, Halifax, Canada

Address by President Xhaferi at the 64th NATO Parliamentary Assembly 

At the beginning of my address I would like to compliment the support provided by the Preisdent of the NATO Parliamentary Assembly, Mrs. Rasa Jukneviciene to the Republic of Macedonia on our path towards the NATO Alliance and on the NATO engagement through the sent invitation for membership of the Republic of Macedonia in NATO a few months ago. I am particularly pleased that in her work programme, among other things, the policy of partnership and open doors is listed as a priority, namely, the  membership of the states of Western Balkans, Ukraine and Georgia in NATO. With your permission, I will make a small restrospective on our presence in the NATO Alliance.

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Parliamentary Assembly at the Regional Conference for Toler...

Monday, 19 November 2018 

Parliamentary Assembly at the Regional Conference for Tolerance and Inclusive Societies in the Western Balkans

On 14 and 15 November, the Chairman and Deputy-Chairman of the Inter-Community Relations COMMITTEE Rexhail Ismail and Jusuf Hasani at the invitation of the Council of Europe - Anti-Discrimination Department, participated at the Regional Conference for Tolerance and Inclusive Societies in the Western Balkans, held in Podgorica, Montenegro. 

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Education, youth employment and democratic environment - a ...

Friday, 16 November 2018, Madrid

Education, youth employment and democratic environment - a strong instrument of democratic societies to countering terrorism 

The second day of the Conference is dedicated to the exchange of experiences to countering terrorism, and the need for increasing the support provided to the victims of terrorism in the area of OSCE. 

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