The opening of the Room of the Women's Parliamentary Cl...

Wednesday, 10 October 2018 

The opening of the Room of the Women's Parliamentary Club 

The Women's Parliamentary Club of the Assembly of the Republic of Macedonia, on the eve of tomorrow's holiday 11 October - the Day of the Uprising of Macedonia, organized the opening of the Room of Women's Parliamentary Club.  
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Address by President Xhaferi at the opening of the Room of ...

Wednesday, 10 October 2018

Address by President Xhaferi at the opening of the Room of Women's Parliamentary Club 

I am pleased to be here today among you in this solemn act of the realization of my promise on the occasion of the International Women's Day and the celebration of the 15th anniversary of the operation of the Women's Parliamentary Club when I stated that I will follow the example of the Swedish Parliament, a country with the highest percentage of representation of women in the politics and public life, and as the President of the Assembly of the Republic of Macedonia I will begin with the realization of the project for storage and promotion of the contribution of women MPs and bearers of positions in the Assembly and working bodies in the Assembly.   

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Parliamentary Delegation at the Conference for Transformati...

Monday, 8 October 2018

Parliamentary Delegation at the Conference for Transformation of the Western Balkans Region 

The Delegation of the Assembly of the Republic of Macedonia composed of: Goran Milevski, Artan Grubi, Zaklina Lazarevska and Dragan Danev participated in the Inter-parliamentary Conference in Sofia, on the topic: "Transformation of the Western Balkans Region - Parliamentary Perspective on the Role and Future of the EU Accession process". 

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The adoption of laws that will facilitate the functioning o...

Tusday, 2 October 2018 

The adoption of laws that will facilitate the functioning of the agricultural sector is in our common interest

The Committee on Agriculture, Forestry and Water Resources had a meeting with the German delegation led by Hans Georg Von Der Marwitz, Member of the Bundestag. 

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Press conference of President Xhaferi 30.9.19...

Sunday, 30 September 2018 

Press conference of President Xhaferi 

Allow me to seize this opportunity to extend congratulations to all citizens of the Republic of Macedonia on this festive day, a day in which the citizens and institutions conducted a day of voting without any incidents and with a peaceful and democratic voting process.  

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The first parliamentary composition...

Thursday, 27 September 2018 

The first parliamentary composition

"For" the Referendum on 30 September Members of the first parliamentary composition at a Press conference in the Assembly of the Republic of Macedonia called on citizens to vote on 30 September and to make the right step at the right time.  

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Press conference of President Xhaferi...

Thursday, 27 September 2018 

Press conference of President Xhaferi

On the last day of the campaign of the Referendum to be held on Sunday, 30 September 2018, on my personal behalf as the President of the Assembly of the Republic of Macedonia, on the behalf of the Coordinative Body and the 120 MPs in the Assembly who campaigned for and against the support of the referendum question, to invite the citizens to use their constitutionally guaranteed right and to come out and participate in making the most important decision for the future of our country.   
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Meeting of President Xhaferi with Mr. Kadri Veseli ...

Thursday, 27 September 2018 

Meeting of President Xhaferi with Mr. Kadri Veseli 

The President of the Assembly of the Republic of Macedonia, Mr. Talat Xhaferi today had a meeting with Mr. Kadri Veseli, President of the Assembly of the Republic of Kosovo, who is on an one-day official visit to the Republic of Macedonia. 
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Need for active involvement in combating human trafficking ...

Thursday, 27 September 2018 

Need for active involvement in combating human trafficking  

The Member of the Parliament, Sasko Kostov, on 25 and 26 September 2018 participated in a parliamentary workshop in Tirana, organized by the Parliament of the Republic of Albania and the Foundation for Combating Human Trafficking from London, Great Britain. 

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Wednesday, 26 September 2018 


President Xhaferi welcomed the newly appointed Ambassador Bazdnikin and wished him success in carrying out this responsible position. He underlined that the strategic priority of the Republic of Macedonia with the decision of the citizens is the Euro-Atlantic integration of the country, but also attaches great importance to the promotion of bilateral relations with the Russian Federation, particularly to the parliamentary and economic cooperation. 

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