Parliamentary Leadership

Wednesday, 18 October 2017  

Bilateral Meeting of the President Xhaferi and Ms. Ankie Broekers Knol, President of the Senate of Netherlands 

The President of the Assembly of the Republic of Macedonia, Mr. Talat Xhaferi, in the framework of the 137th Assembly of IPU, held in Sankt Petersburg had a bilateral meeting with Ms. Ankie Brokers Knol, President of the Senate of Netherlands.

The President Xhaferi expressed great pleasure from the meeting, considering that the kingdom of Netherlands is one of the biggest bilateral donors of the Republic of Macedonia  a dedicated supporter of the of the European integration of the state. Underlining that the Assembly of the Republic of Macedonia has a year’s long cooperation with the Embassy of Netherland in Skopje and the Centre on European Security Studies the President informed Ms. Knol that in September a Memorandum for Understanding was ratified in direction of trainings for the Assembly Staff. 

Mr. Xhaferi referred to the situation in our state and the dedication of the newly elected Government toward the good neighbourly relations and the achieved progress in the relations with our Southern and Eastern neighbour. In regard with the events from 27 April 2017, the President underlined that the competent institutions should take on all necessary procedures in the scope thereof, to bring the perpetuators before justice. 

Ms. Ankie Broekers Knol underlined that Netherlands closely follows the developments in Macedonia and has a positive opinion on the achieved progress in the relations with the neighbours. She welcomed the efforts in the resolution of the name dispute and stated that she will convey the message to the Foreign Affairs Committee of the Senate for intensification of the inter – parliamentary cooperation. Ms. Knol underlined that the Senate of Netherland is prepared to provide every kind of support to the Assembly of the Republic of Macedonia  needs, and located the support of the E – Parliament as of the areas for possible assistance. 

The President Xhaferi invited the President of the Senate of Netherlands to visit the Republic of Macedonia underlining that the intensification of the parliamentary cooperation shall motivate the overall bilateral relations. 

The interlocutors agreed that IPU is a significant forum not only because of the debate on current topics but also because of the opportunity to establish and practice direct contacts between MPs from different states.  


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