Parliamentary Leadership

Wednesday, 31 August 2016, Warsaw

Bilateral Meetings of the President Veljanoski during the Parliamentary Meeting of Central and East Europe    

The President of the Assembly of the Republic of Macedonia, Mr. Trajko Veljanoski realized several bilateral meetings with Presidents of Parliaments at the margins of the Parliamentary Meeting of Central and East Europe. 

The President of the Assembly of the Republic of Macedonia, Mr. Trajko Veljanoski met the Marshal of the Senate of the Republic of Poland, Mr. Stanisław Karczewski.

The President Veljanoski expressed appreciation for the invitation and welcomed the initiative for holding a meeting on the level of Speakers of Parliaments from Central and East Europe. During the meeting, the interlocutors discussed the current challenges the EU and Europe in general are face with. The host, Mr. Karczewski underlined that monitoring the changes in the European Union, above all the decision of Great Britain to leave the Union, the migration crisis and the terrorist attacks, the wars in Ukraine and Syria, imposed the need for discussion between the Member States of the Union and the aspiring states. The Republic of Poland believes that the European Union should develop as an organization of sovereign states that will cooperate and support each other in the spirit of solidarity. The host informed that the topic and the date for this meeting were selected on the occasion of the 36 years since the establishment of the Association Solidarity, which defeated communism and led Poland to democracy.  

The Speaker of the Polish Senate expressed condolences for the victims of the catastrophic floods in Skopje from 6 August.

The President Veljanoski underlined that the Republic of Macedonia appreciates the principle standpoint of the Republic of Poland towards the open door policy of the European Union. A standpoint shared by the other states belonging to the Visegrad group.

Additionally, the President Veljanoski had a meeting with the Marshal of the Sejm of Poland, Mr. Joachim Brudziński. 

During the Meeting of the President of Parliaments of Central and East Europe, he underlined that the European Union goes through the greatest crisis so far, losing its confidence while dealing with it. Solutions are needed that will bring rebirth of the principles the European Union is founded on. Particularly, principles that he lately been questioned. In addition he suggests a concept of cooperation – equal with equals, free with free soldiery states. 

During the Meeting with the President of the Assembly of Montenegro, Mr. Darko Pajovik, the interlocutors referred to the current situation in the two states. Mr. Pajovik informed the President Veljanoski on the political situation in Montenegro and underlined the oncoming elections and the model of preparation and execution thereof. 

The interlocutors agreed that there is room for intensification of the relations between the two states, on parliamentary level and on the level of economy. The President Veljanoski informed the colleague on the current affairs and extended an open invitation to a high parliamentary delegation from Montenegro to visit the Assembly of the Republic of Macedonia. 

The President Veljanoski also realized a meeting with the President of the Grand National Assembly of the Republic of Turkey, Mr. Ismail Karaman the President of the Turkish Parliament expressed condolences for the victims of the floods in the Skopje region and wished for soon recovery of the injured and fast rehabilitation from the damages. The president Veljanoski expressed appreciation for all kinds of assistance friendly Turkey sent to Macedonia. At the meeting, the interlocutors discussed the current political affairs in the two states and underlined that both states support the democratically elected governments. The Turkish President extended an open invitation to his Macedonian colleague to official to visit the Republic of Turkey. 


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