Parliamentary Leadership

Tuesday, 17 February 2015

Meeting of the President Veljanoski and the Ambassador of the United States of America to the Republic of Macedonia Mr.  Jess Bailey

The President of the Assembly of the Republic of Macedonia, Mr. Trajko Veljanoski welcomed the newly appointed Ambassador of the United States of America to the Republic of Macedonia, Mr. Jess Bailey. At the meeting, the President Veljanoski expressed pleasure from the achieved level of friendly relations between the two states and the support from the United States of America to the Republic of Macedonia. 

The President Veljanoski expressed conviction that the cooperation with the US Embassy will continue in similar manner as the cooperation with the previous Ambassadors. This cooperation will also be promoted in the future period, in regard with the parliamentary cooperation, but also for issues that are important for the two states. Ambassador Bailey underlined that United States of America will sincerely continue to support the democratic processes, such as the integration of the Republic of Macedonia in NATO and the European Union in very near future.

The meeting referred to many current affairs, such as the political situation in the Republic of Macedonia and the interlocutors agreed that the misunderstanding and the political opinions should be expressed in the institutions, i.e. in the Assembly of the Republic of Macedonia as the highest legislative house where the citizens are represented by the MPs. Ambassador Bailey underlined that it is important to take steps for improvement of the overall image of the Parliament and the state and that dialogue is needed for solution of the problems. The President Veljanoski underlined that he will use all mechanisms in his competence, respecting the Constitution, the Law on the Assembly of the Republic of Macedonia and the Rules of Procedure to surpass this political situation as soon as possible and for the resigning MPs to return to the Assembly.

At the end of the Meeting, the President Veljanoski wished Ambassador Bailey success in his work.  


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