Parliamentary Leadership

Tuesday, 17 February 2015 

Meeting of the President Veljanoski and the, Commissioner for Enlargement and European Neighbourhood Policy, Mr. Johannes Hahn  

The President of the Assembly of the Republic of Macedonia, Mr. Trajko Veljanoski had a Meeting with the Commissioner for Enlargement and European Neighbourhood Policy, Mr. Johannes Hahn. The President Veljanoski expressed appreciation for the visit and underlined that these meetings are excellent opportunity for exchange of opinions which are of great importance for the Republic of Macedonia, especially in direction of achievement of one of the priorities of the state, the integration in the European Union.

The meeting referred to the dedication of the Republic of Macedonia to the reforms for opening accession negotiations with the European Union as soon as possible, the current affairs in the state and the Assembly of the Republic of Macedonia. 

The Commissioner for Enlargement and European Neighbourhood Policy, Mr. Hahn underlined that today’s meeting is aimed to underline the interest of the European Commission and its institutions for surpassing the current misunderstandings on political level as soon as possible. The Commissioner underlined that the European Parliament is prepared to assist with mediation if it would contribute in surpassing the whole situation.

President Veljanoski underlined that if a joint meeting of the Macedonian political parties is held together with the European sister parties, the process of restoration of trust will begin, which is a basis for further development and surpass misunderstanding. 

The interlocutors agreed that the work of the Assembly and its contribution in the functioning of the state is of outmost importance, thus the need for it to work in full capacity. 

The President Veljanoski underlined that all MPs have constantly worked on strengthening the capacities of the Assembly and that every year the Assembly of the Republic of Macedonia receives a positive remark in the Progress Report of the European Union. The President Veljanoski once again expressed hope that the opposition will accept to return and to constructively participate in the work of the Assembly. 

The Commissioner Hahn agreed that in a mature democratic society, the debate should be held in the Parliament, since the parliamentary stand is the best instrument for expressing opinions and views. He underlined that he expects all political parties to contribute in bringing the different opinions closer and hope that the opposition will join the work of the Assembly. 

The interlocutors expressed hope that today’s meetings of the Commissioner with all stakeholders will be a motivating impetus for the improvement of the political climate in the state.  


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