Parliamentary Leadership

Thursday, 8 February 2018  

Meeting of the President Xhaferi and Mr. Oleg Shcherbak, Ambassador of the Russian Federation to the Republic of Macedonia  

The President of the Assembly of the Republic of Macedonia, Mr. Talat Xhaferi met the Ambassador of the Russian Federation to the Republic of Macedonia, Mr. Oleg Shcherbak.

The President Xhaferi expressed pleasure for the meeting and hope that the friendly relations between the Republic of Macedonia and the Russian Federation shall progress. 

Underlining that following the events from 27 April 2017, the Assembly managed to regain the usual flow of activities, the President informed the Ambassador Shcherbak on the activities for the Assembly of the Republic of Macedonia in the current year, such as the adoption of number of reform laws arising from the recommendations of the European Union, the ongoing negotiations between the government and the opposition, aside the opposition’s decision not to participate in the work of the Assembly of the Republic of Macedonia 

The President Xhaferi confirmed the strategic priorities of the Republic of Macedonia such as the Membership of EU and NATO, underlining that we expect positive European Commission’s Progress Report in April and invitation for Membership in NATO at the next Summit. 

Underlining the significance of the parliamentary diplomacy, the President Xhaferi informed that the Members of the Assembly of the Republic of Macedonia are actively engaged in the international parliamentary activities and that the Parliamentary Delegation of the Assembly of the Republic of Macedonia to IPU attended the Sankt Petersburg Session in October 2017. 

The Ambassador Oleg Shcherbak expressed expectation that the bilateral relations between the Russian Federation and the Republic of Macedonia shall be further deepen in all areas, especially in the area of interparliamentary cooperation. He informed the President on marking the Day of Russian Federation and the Ceremony that will be held in Bitola on 9 February 2018. In addition, in 2018, 25 years since the establishment of the diplomatic relations between the Russian Federation and the Republic of Macedonia are marked, and the celebration of this jubilee shall provide an additional impetus in the promotion of the bilateral cooperation.  

The interlocutors agreed that they are generally pleased by the development of the reactions between the two states, but that there is potential for deepening the cooperation, above all in the areas of economy, agriculture, energy and transport. 


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