Parliamentary Leadership

Monday, July 3rd 2017


At the invitation of the President of the Parliament of Montenegro, Mr. Ivan Brajoviq, the President of the Parliament of the Republic of Macedonia, Mr. Talat Xhaferi leads the parliamentary delegation composed of the deputies, Mr. Maksim Dimitrievski and Mr. Xhevat Ademi. 

Before the beginning of the official meetings with the representatives of the state officials, there was a solemn reception for the guests with the intonation of the hymns of both countries and salutation of the guard of Montenegro in front of the two Presidents of the Parliaments, Mr. Brajoviq and Mr. Xhaferi. 

At the talks with the President of the Montenegrin Parliament, Mr. Ivan Brajoviq, President Xhaferi expressed his honour and pleasure that the first official visit after the election of the new parliamentary majority is in a country of the region with which we have no open issues, with which we are bonded with friendship and traditionally good political, economic and cultural ties and with which we share the same foreign political priorities. 

He congratulated his colleague and the citizens of Montenegro the full-fledged membership in the North Atlantic Treaty Organisation and stressed that the achievement of this strategic goal of the state will contribute to a greater safety and stability in the region as well as beyond. 

President Xhaferi expressed belief that with the accession of Montenegro in NATO, the Republic of Macedonia gained one big supporter more for her aspirations for integration in the Euro Atlantic security community and underlined that the membership also showed that the doors of the Organisation remain opened and that he is firmly convinced that soon we too will achieve this key point on our path - the full-fledged membership in NATO. 

Both interlocutors exchanged views about the current political situation in both countries and agreed that there is a lot of space to expand and intensify the economic cooperation, on a Governmental level as well as Chambers of commerce. 

During the meeting with the members of the Committee of Defence and Security of the Montenegrin Parliament, both sides expressed satisfaction from the excellent cooperation in the sphere of defence between the two states in the form of trainings and education of personnel, as well as participation in mutual projects. 

The Montenegrin side expressed readiness to transfer experiences regarding the NATO accession and for that, from our side, an invitation was extended for the meeting of the members of the Committee of Defence in the Parliament of the Republic of Macedonia. Also the cooperation within the Adriatic Chart currently chaired by the Republic of Macedonia was greeted. 

The Delegation of the Assembly of the Republic of Macedonia also met with the members of the newly elected Group in the Montenegrin Parliament for friendship with the Parliament of the Republic of Macedonia, chaired by Mr. Genci Nimanbegu, who is the Vice-President of the Parliament of Montenegro. 

At the meeting, the hosts were informed that in the Parliament of the Republic of Macedonia, during the all mandates a Parliamentary Group for cooperation with the Parliament of Montenegro was formed, while the deputies agreed that in the future there should be more frequent direct contacts which allow direct acquaintance with the conditions in both countries and exchange of views and experiences, baring in mind the same strategic priorities of the two states. 

The advancement of Montenegro regarding the negotiations with the European Union, the opening of the 28th chapter and the defining of the frame for opening the remained five chapters was greeted. 

During the meeting, there was also exchange of experiences for the participation of women in the Parliament and thus the Republic of Macedonia was pointed as an example in the region regarding the legal solutions for the obligatory nomination of women in the deputies' lists. 

After the meeting with the President of the Parliament of Montenegro, both presidents gave statements to the media.  


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