Parliamentary Leadership

Monday, 12 March 2018  

Session on the Occasion of 75 Years since the Deportation of the Jews from the Republic of Macedonia to the Death Camp Treblinka  

Today, the Assembly of the Republic of Macedonia held a Session on the Occasion of 75 Years since the Deportation of the Jews from the Republic of Macedonia to the Death Camp Treblinka.

The President of the Republic of Macedonia, the Prime Minister of the Republic of Macedonia, Ministers of the Government of the Republic of Macedonia, Representatives of the religious communities and religious groups of the Republic of Macedonia, diplomatic core, Delegation of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Delegation from the State of Israel, Delegation from the Republic of Romania, Delegation from the Republic of Poland, Delegation from USA as well as delegations from Jewish institutions and communities were invited and attended communities.  

The Declaration on the Occasion of 75 Years since the Deportation of the Jews from the Republic of Macedonia to the Death Camp Treblinka adopted on the 35th Session of the Assembly of the Republic of Macedonia held on 5 March. The Deputy Minister of Defence of the State of Israel, Mr. Rabbi Eli ben Dahan and the Deputy prime Minister of the Republic of Romania, Ms. Ana Birchal addressed at this Session.  

The Session of the Assembly of the Republic of Macedonia was in the framework of the activities marking the 75 Years since the deportation. The attendees sent a clear message that the Holocaust or similar genocide must never be repeated.  

The President of the Assembly of the Republic of Macedonia, Mr. Talat Xhaferi, in his opening speech said: 11 March 2018 marks the 75 years since the deportation of 98% of the Jewish population from Macedonia to the death camp Treblinka, from where no one returned alive.  

The Assembly of the Republic of Macedonia actively participates in marking this anniversary. Condemning the Holocaust, as well as all shapes of genocide and violation f human rights such as the anti – Semitism, hate speech, xenophobia, exclusion, racism and through the adoption of Declaration on the Occasion of 75 Years since the Deportation of the Jews from Macedonia to the Death Camp Treblinka, we sent a clear and loud message that the Holocaust or any other genocide must never occur. 


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