Parliamentary Leadership

Monday, 23 May 2016, Rome 

The President Veljanoski Opened the exhibition “St. Clement of Ohrid and Depictions of him in the Art”  

Today, the President of the Assembly of the Republic of Macedonia, Mr. Trajko Veljanoski opened the exhibition “St. Clement of Ohrid and Depictions of him in the Art” in the “Pontificia Università Urbaniana” in Rome, organized by the National Directorate on Protection of Monuments of Culture and Museum – Ohrid” and underlined:  

„The occasion for which our paths cross in this beautiful city is the event dedicated to the Holy Brothers, Slavic Enlighteners and Apostles Cyril and Methodius. The Celebration of this event, for me and believe for all of you is significant for the unique historic, cultural and epochal importance of the Saints Cyril and Methodius, arising from their mission for education. The very mission - an impetus for an epochal civilization process and the creation of the Slavic Alphabet Glagolitsa.  

Their work was continued in a manner by St. Clement of Ohrid as their spiritual child and student. Clement of Ohrid is a patron of the Macedonian Orthodox Church, first Slavic episcope, cleric, enlightener and teacher. I am especially honoured to open the exhibition dedicated to St. Clement of Ohrid in particular and his depictions in art. This exhibition enriches the program of celebration of the Day of the Slavic Enlighteners. This exhibition presents the highest cultural heritage and among others, presents the oldest icon of St. Clement from the 13th century.  

The importance of St. Clement of Ohrid is tremendous. His life is fulfilled with deeds we are grateful of today. He was part of the important Moravian Mission from where he came to Rome to whiteness the blessing and the confirmation of the deeds of his teachers. He starts his most important work upon his arrival in Ohrid. St. Clement of Ohrid established churches and monasteriesm, renewed the Ohrid Literature School, turning Ohrid into a centre of the Macedonian and Slavic literacy. It is also said that St. Clement is one of the first and most prominent writers in the Slavic literature. In his work and interpretation of the gospels he values charity and advises “feed the hungry give water to thirsty, give shelter to passenger, honour the presbyter.” His words apply to our modern everyday lives as a way to achieve kindness.  

Distinguished guests I welcome this opportunity and invite you to enjoy these significant tokens of the great love of St. Clement for God, literacy and education. I hope that this exhibition will enrich the visitors’ knowledge for the rich cultural heritage of the Republic of Macedonia, as well as the culture and religion in general.”  

The opening of the exhibition was followed by a concert of the famous Macedonian guitar player, Mr. Darko Bageski.  


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