Parliamentary Leadership

Friday, 23 September 2016 

The President Veljanoski Welcomed the Newly Appointed Ambassador of the Republic of Greece to the Republic of Macedonia, Mr. Dimitris Yannakakis 

The President of the Assembly of the Republic of Macedonia, Mr. Trajko Veljanoski realized the first meeting with the Newly Appointed Ambassador of the Republic of Greece to the Republic of Macedonia, Mr. Dimitris Yannakakis. The interlocutors expressed pleasure from the meeting as well as hope for future cooperation.  

The President Veljanoski informed the Ambassador Yannakakis on the recent official bilateral meeting with the President of the Parliament of the Republic of Greece, Mr. Nikolaos Voutsis, held in Strasbourg in the framework of the European Conference of Speakers of Parliament of EU.  

The interlocutors agreed that there is progress and improvement in the relations between the two states, confirmed by the more frequent high level meetings.  

The President Veljanoski underlined the preparedness for deeper parliamentary cooperation in the future that will assist the improvement of the overall relations between the two states and raising the trust between the nations.  
Ambassador Yannakakis expressed pleasure from the fact that he is arriving in the Republic of Macedonia in times of significant movement of the relations between the two states, which, in his opinion, is due to the Confidence Building Measures.  

The interlocutors underlined that the Republic of Macedonia and the Republic of Greece have many joint areas of interest, where they can cooperation and fully use the European funds and improve the economy of the two states.

They also discussed the current political situation in the two states and the challenges in facing the migrant crisis. The President Veljanoski underlined that a joint reaction is needed in order to share the burden of the crisis, which demands a principle policy. 

At the end of the Meeting, the President Veljanoski wished Ambassador Yannakakis success during his mandate and positive impressions from the Republic of Macedonia.   


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