Parliamentary Leadership

Wednesday, 20 December, Tirana  

The President Xhaferi officially visits the Republic of Albania  

Upon an invitation of the President of the Republic of Albania, Mr. Ramoz Ruçi, a Delegation of the Assembly of the Republic of Macedonia headed by the President of the Assembly of the Republic of Macedonia, Mr. Talat Xhaferi is officially visiting the Republic of Albania. The Delegation is comprised of the MPs, who are Members of the Parliamentary Group of the Assembly of the Republic of Macedonia for Cooperation with the Parliament of Albania: Mr. Ejup Alimi, Mr. Beti Rabadzieva, and Mr. Rexhep Memedi. 

The President Xhaferi was welcomed with high state honours at the Airport of Tirana, and the first meeting of this official visit was with the President of the Assembly of the Republic of Albania. Mr. Gramoz Ruçi.   

Welcoming his colleague, the President Ruci underlined that these high level meetings are especially important. The Republic of Albania strongly supports the Republic of Macedonia in the integration of NATO. In regard with the integration in EU, both states should support each other, since the future of the region in the accession in the great European family.  

The interlocutors discussed the current developments in the two parliaments, as well as the planned activities in the future period and concluded that the two Assemblies should strengthen the cooperation on the level of parliamentary groups for cooperation, committees and staff. 

The President Xhaferi underlined that he is honoured to visit friendly Albania, with whom we have excellent bilateral and multilateral relations and underlined that the parliamentary majority stands for good neighbourly policies and European integration. He also welcomed the support from the Republic of Albania, as a member State of NATO to the Republic of Macedonia. 

The President Ruci underlined that a special attention is paid to the minorities living in Albania, and a good example thereof is the Macedonian Minority in Pustec. 

The interlocutors underlined that the two neighbouring states share joint interest in many areas, underlining the economic, infrastructural and energy projects, such as the construction of the Kafasan – Elbasan highroad, as part of the Corridor 8, highway Elbasan – Debar, as well as the railway connection – all projects in the final phases. 

They also agreed that this official visit is a continuation of the excellent cooperation on parliamentary level, encouraging the parliamentary groups for cooperation to intensify the relations. 

The President of the Assembly of the Republic of Macedonia, Mr. Talat Xhaferi signed the Book of Guests in the Albanian Parliament. 

Press Statements of the two Presidents followed the Meeting. 


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