Thursday, 11 December 2014, 11:00, "Boris Trajkovski" Hall
11th Meeting of the Foreign Policy Committee
1. Draft-law on ratification of the Agreement on Police Cooperation between the Macedonian Government and the Belgian Government;
2. Draft-law on Ratification of the Agreement between the Government of the Republic of Macedonia and the Government of Montenegro on Mutual Recognition of Drivers’ Licences;
3. Report on the Work of Ambassador Kornelia Utevska Gligorovska during the mandate as Ambassador of the Republic of Macedonia to the Federal Republic of Germany;
4. Report on the Work of Ambassador Gjoko Gjorgjevski during the mandate as Ambassador of the Republic of Macedonia to the Holy Chair;
5. Report on the Work of Ambassador Asaf Ademi during the mandate as Ambassador of the Republic of Macedonia to the Kingdom of Denmark;
6. Report on the Work of Ambassador Gjorgji Filipov during the mandate as Ambassador of the Republic of Macedonia to the Republic of Austria.