Tuesday, 2 December 2014, 11:30, Hall 4
33rd meeting of the legislative Committee
1 Draft-law Indebting the Republic of Macedonia in the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development, upon the Agreement on Loan Financing the Project on “Construction of new and reconstruction of existing section Beljakovce, Kriva Palanka – East part of the railway of Corridor VIII, Phase 2”, shortened procedure; II reading;
2 Draft-law on Guarantee of the Republic of Macedonia of the Obligations from the Agreement on Loan Financing the Program on National Roads, ratified by the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development and the Public Company on State Roads, shortened procedure, II reading;
3 Draft-law Amending the Law on Obligatory Oil Reserves, shortened procedure, II reading ;
4 Draft-law, with amendments, Amending the Law on Sales and Letting the Business Buildings and Facilities in the Republic of Macedonia, shortened procedure