Tuesday, 5 May 2015, 11:00, Hall 4
45th Meeting of the Committee on Financing and Budget
1. Draft - law on Conversion of Claims of the Republic of Macedonia on the Basis of Value Added Tax and Duties paid to Foreign Creditors and Foreign Railway Companies in Equity in Railways Transport AD Skopje - II reading;
2. Draft-law on Usage and Disposal of the Goods Owned by the State and Municipalities - II reading;
3. Draft-law Amending the Law on Public Procurements - II reading;
4. Draft-law on Customs Measures for Enforcement of Protection of the Right of Intellectual Property - I reading;
5. Annual Report on the Work of the State Committee on Pleas Upon Public Procurements for 2014;
6. Draft-decision on Approval of the Program of the State Committee on Pleas Upon Public Procurements for 2015;
7. Draft-decision on Approval of the Strategic Plan of the State Committee on Pleas Upon Public Procurements for 2015;
8. Draft-decision on Approval of the Financial Plan of the State Committee on Pleas Upon Public Procurements for 2015.