Thursday, 21 May 2015, 14:00, Hall 4
69th Meeting of the Legislative Committee
1. Draft –law Amending the Law on Aviation – I reading;
2. Draft-law Amending the Law on Museums – II reading;
3. Draft – law Amending the Law on Libraries – II reading;
4. Draft –law Amending the Law on Transport in Road Traffic – I reading;
5. Request for Authentic Interpretation of Article 9, Paragraph 1, Line 2 in regard with Article 4 Paragraph 2 line 1 of the Single Write off the Debts of the Citizens, submitted by Rexhail Islmaili, MP;
6. Draft –law Amending the Law on Management with Confiscated Property, Property profit and Seized Items in Criminal and Misdemeanour Procedure – I reading;
7. Draft – law Amending the Law on Prevention from Corruption – I reading;
8. Request for Authentic Interpretation of Article 20 Line 8 of the Law on Procedure with Illegally Built Objects, submitted by the Mayor of Demir Hisar; 9. Correction of the Law on Food Safety (“Official Gazette of the Republic of Macedonia No. 72/15).