Tuesday, 19 June 2018, 10:00, Constitutional Hal
16th Meeting of the Committee on Education, Science and Sport
1 Draft-law on Training and Exams for Director of Primary School. Secondary School, Students’ Homes and Open Civil University for
Lifelong Studies - I reading (Submitted by: Petar Atanasov, Agim Sakiri, Lidija Tasevska, Mileva GJorgieva, Redzailj Ismaili, Zaklina Lazarevska, Aneta Simeska Dimoska)
2 Draft-law Amending the Law Establishing the Faculty on Technology Engineering, Faculty on Veterinarian Science and Faculty of Law at the “St. Clement of Ohrid” University –
Bitola - I reading; (Submitted by: Aleksandar Kiracovski, Goran Milevski, Redzailj Ismaili, Vesel Memedi)