Tuesday, 30 January 2018, 12:00, Macedonia Hall

32nd Session of the Assembly of the Republic of Macedonia  


1 Draft – decision on Election of Chairmen, Deputy Chairmen, Members and Deputy members of the Committees of the Assembly of the Republic of Macedonia;

2 Draft-decision Amending the Decision Establishing Parliamentary Groups of the Assembly of the Republic of Macedonia for Cooperation with Parliaments from Other States and Election of Chairmen, Deputy Chairmen and Members of Parliamentary Groups of the Assembly of the Republic of Macedonia for Cooperation with Parliaments from Other States;

3 Draft-decision Amending the Decision on Election of Head, Members and Their Deputies in the Delegation of the Assembly of the Republic of Macedonia to NATO PA

4 Draft-decision Amending the Decision on Election of Head, Members and Their Deputies in the Delegation of the Assembly of the Republic of Macedonia to the parliamentary Committee on Stabilization and Association;

5 Draft-decision Amending the Decision on Election of Head, Members and Their Deputies in the Delegation of the Assembly of the Republic of Macedonia to CEI PD

6 Draft-decision on Appointment of Members of the Inter – Community Relations Committee;

7   Draft-decision Amending the Decision on Appointment of Chair, Deputy Chair, Members and Their Deputies in the National European Integration Council;

8 Law on Usage of Languages – III reading

9 Proposal on Dismissal of a Member of the Council of Experts of the Agency on Supervision of Insurance;

10 Draft –law Terminating the Validity of the Law on National Artist of the Republic of Macedonia – II reading;

11 Draft-law Appending the Law on Enforcement of Sanctions – II reading;

12 Draft-law Amending the Law on Public Prosecutors’ Service – II reading;

13 Draft-law Amending the Law on Usage and Disposal of State and Municipality Owned Goods - II reading;

14 Draft-law Amending the Law on Obligatory Financed Pension Insurance - II reading;

15 Draft-law Amending the Law on Protection of Children - II reading;

16 Draft-law Amending the Law on Labour Inspection - II reading;

17 Draft-law Amending the Law on Employment and Insurance in Cases of Unemployment - II reading;

18 Draft-law Amending the Law on Prevention and Protection from Discrimination - II reading;

19 raft-law Amending the Law on Sales and Lease of Business Buildings and Facilities in the Republic of Macedonia – II reading;

20 Draft-law Amending the law on Electronic Communication – II reading;

21 Draft-law Appending the Law on Classified Information – II reading;

22 Draft-law Amending the law on Interior Affairs – II reading;

23 Draft-law Amending the Law on Police – II reading (Archive No. 08-4766/ 1);

24 Draft-law Amending the Law on Police – II reading (Archive No. 08-4993/ 1)

25 Draft-law Amending the Law on Textbooks for Primary and Secondary Education, shortened procedure, II reading;

26 Draft-law Amending the Law on Mineral Raw Materials , shortened procedure; (Submitted by: Liljana Popovska, Maja Moracanin, Meri Lazarova, Ivana Tufegdzik, Keti Smileska, Irena Stefoska, Goran Milevski, Pavle Bogoevski, Sasko Atanasov, Dime Velkovski, Ferid Muhik)

27 Draft-law Amending the Law on Sales of Agriculture State Owned Land, shortened procedure   (Submitted by: Jovan Mitreski, Redzailj Ismaili, Dime Velkovski, Sasko Kostov)

28 Draft-law Amending the Law on Whistleblowers – I reading;

29 Draft-law Amending the Law on the Ombudsman – I reading;

30 Draft-law Amending the Law on Salary and Other Supplements for Elected and Appointed Officials in the Republic of Macedonia - I reading; (Submitted by: , Dime Velkovski, Tatjana Prentovik, Keti Smileska, Blagojce Trpevski, Betiane Kitev, Hari Lokvenec, Mileva GJorgieva, Tomislav Tuntev, Slavica Sumanska Miteva, Sasko Atanasov, Beti Rabadzievska Naumovska, Muhamed Zekiri, Katerina Kuzmanovska, Petar Atanasov, Mira Stojcevska, Zaklina Lazarevska, Jagoda Sahpaska, Sasko Kostov, Frosina Tasevska Remenski, Jovan Mitreski, Pance Ivanov, Meri Lazarova, Aleksandar Kiracovski, GJulumser Kasapi, Kostadin Kostadinov, Kostadin Acevski, Tatjana Lalcevska, Nikica Korubin, Miroslav Jovanovik, Ferid Muhik, Agim Murtezanov, Lidija Tasevska, Sonja Mirakovska, Goran Milevski, Riste Tasev, Alija Kamberoski, Liljana Popovska, Aneta Simeska Dimoska, Ivana Tufegdzik, Irena Stefoska, Maja Moracanin, Juliana Nikolova, Ilija Nikolovski, Goran Misovski, Dalibor Bogdanovski, Samka Ibraimoski) 

31 Draft-law Amending the Law on Deputies – I reading; ( Submitted by: Dime Velkovski, Tatjana Prentovic, Keti Smileska, Blagojce Trpevski, Betiane Kitev, Hari Lokvenets, Mileva Gjorgieva, Tomislav Tuntev, Slavica Sumanska Miteva, Sashko Atanasov, Betty Rabazievska Naumovska, Muhamed Zekiri, Katerina Kuzmanovska, Petar Atanasov, Mira Stojcevska, Zaklina Lazarevska , Jagodina Shahpaska, Sashko Kostov, Frosina Tashevska Remenski, Jovan Mitreski, Pance Ivanov, Meri Lazarova, Aleksandar Kiracovski, Gulsumer Kasapi, Riste Tashev, Kostadin Kostadinov, Kostadin Acevski, Tatjana Lalchevska, Nikica Korubin, Miroslav Jovanovic Rid Muhic, Agim Murtezanov, Lidija Tasevska, Sonja Mirakovska, Goran Milevski, Alija Kamberoski, Liliana Popovska, Aneta Simeska Dimoska, Ivana Tufegdzic, Maja Morachanin, Irena Stefoska, Juliana Nikolova, Ilija Nikolovski, Goran Misovski, Dalibor Bogdanovski, Samka Ibramimoski)

32 Draft –Financial Plan of the Regulatory Committee on Energy of the Republic of Macedonia for 2018 ;

33 Draft-decision on the Percentage of the Overall Annual Income of the Bearers of Licenses for Energy Activities and Annual Income of the Water Resources Service Providers, in the Financing of the Regulatory Committee on Energy of the Republic of Macedonia for 2018;

34 Financial Plan of the Public Broadcaster Macedonian Radio Television for 2018;

35 Draft decision on Approval of the Annual Program on the Work and Development of the Agency Regulating the Railway Sector for 2018;

36 Draft decision on Approval of the Annual Program on the Work of the Agency on Postal Offices for 2018;

37 Draft decision on Approval of the Financial Plan of the Agency on Supervision of Capital Financed Pension Insurance for 2018;

38 Draft-decision on Approval of the Decision on the Monthly Fee Charged by the Agency on Supervision of Capital Financed Pension Insurance for 2018;

39 raft decision on Approval of the Annual Financial Plan of the Agency on Civil Aviation for 2018;

40 Draft decision on Approval of the Annual program on the Work and Development of the Agency on Civil Aviation for 2018;

41 Draft decision on Approval of the Statutory Decision Amending the Statute of ICT University “St. Apostole Paul” – Ohrid;

42 Annual Report on the Work of the Judicial Council of the Republic of Macedonia for 2016;

43 Annual Report on the Work of the State Council of Prevention of Juvenile Delinquency and Conditions in the Area of Right of Children and Juvenile Delinquency on 2016;

44 Annual Financial Plan of the Agency on Supervision of Insurance for 2018;

45 Request for Authentic Interpretation of Article 39 of the Law on the Agency on Counter Intelligence (Submitted by: Stevo Pendarovski) 


Tuesday, 16 September 2014, 11:00, "Boris Trajkovski" Hall 


Tuesday, 16 September 2014, 11:00, Constitutional Hall

8th Meeting of the committee on political system and interethnic relations 

Tuesday, 16 September 2014, 13:00 Hall 1 

15th session of the Assembly of the Republic of Macedonia 

1st continuation  

Tuesday, 16 September 2014, 14:00, Hall 4

18th Meeting of the legislative Committee  

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