Monday, 19 March 2018, 13:00, Macedonia Hall
38th Session of the Assembly of the Republic of Macedonia
1 Draft decision on Dismissal of the Chair and Members of the State Committee on Second Degree Decisions in the Area of Inspection Oversight and Infringement Procedure
2 Proposal for Election of a Member of the State Council for Prevention from Juvenile Delinquency
3 Proposal for Termination of Mandate of a Member of the Regulatory Committee on Energy;
4 Draft-law on Ratification of the Agreement Between the Government of the Republic of Macedonia and the Government of the Republic of Kosovo on Procedure for Illegal Residents;
5 Draft-law on Ratification of the Protocol Amending Article 50 (a) of the Convention for International Civil Aviation;
6 Draft-law on Ratification of the Protocol Amending Article 56 of the Convention for International Civil Aviation;
7 Draft-law on Free Legal Aid – I reading - I reading - I reading;
8 Draft-law on International and Temporary Protection - I reading;
9 Draft-law Amending the Law on Transport of Hazardous Materials in the Road and Railway Transport- I reading;
10 Draft - law on Reporting and Recording Obligations - I reading;
11 Draft-law on Mathematic – ICT Gymnasium - I reading;
12 Draft-law Amending the Law on Seeds and Seeding Materials for Agriculture Plants - I reading;
13 Draft-law Amending the Law on Electronic Management - I reading;
14 Draft-law Amending the Law on Audio and Audio Visual Media Services - I reading;
15 Draft-law Amending the Law Establishing the Public Company Macedonian Broadcaster - I reading;
16 Draft-law on Complementary and Alternative Medicine - I reading; (Submitted by: Ejup Alimi, Jovan Mitreski, Jagoda Shahpaska)
17 Draft-law Amending the Law on Sanitary and Healthcare Inspection - I reading; (Submitted by: Ejup Alimi, Jovan Mitreski, Jagoda Shahpaska)
18 Draft-law Appending the Law on Protection from Ionizing Radiation and Radiation Safety - I reading; (Submitted by: Ejup Alimi, Jovan Mitreski, Jagoda Shahpaska)
19 Draft-law Amending the Law on Medicaments and Medical Devices - I reading; (Submitted by: Jovan Mitreski, Ejup Alimi, Jagoda Shahpaska)
20 Draft-law Appending the Law on Classified Information - I reading; (Submitted by: Ejup Alimi, Jovan Mitreski, Pavle Bogoevski, Ilija Nikolovski)
21 Draft-law Amending the Law on Crisis Management - I reading; (Submitted by: Ejup Alimi, Jovan Mitreski, Pavle Bogoevski, Ilija Nikolovski)
22 Draft-law Amending the Law on protection and Rescue - I reading; (Submitted by: Ejup Alimi, Jovan Mitreski, Pavle Bogoevski, Ilija Nikolovski)
23 Draft-law Amending the Law on State Statistics - I reading; (Submitted by: Jovan Mitreski, Ejup Alimi, Pance Ivanov)
24 Draft-law Amending the Law on Establishing the Agency on Promotion and Support of the Tourism in the Republic of Macedonia - I reading; (Submitted by: Jovan Mitreski, Ejup Alimi, Hari Lokvenec, Dalibor Bogdanovski, Agim Shakiri)
25 Draft-law Amending the Law Establishing the Agency on Energy in the Republic of Macedonia - I reading; (Submitted by: Jovan Mitreski, Ejup Alimi, Hari Lokvenec, Dalibor Bogdanovski, Agim Shakiri)
26 Draft-law Amending the Law on Standardization - I reading; (Submitted by: Agim Shakiri, Hari Lokvenec, Goran Milevski)
27 Draft-law Amending the Law on Protection of Competitiveness - I reading; (Submitted by: Agim Shakiri, Hari Lokvenec, Goran Milevski)
28 Draft-law Appending the Law on Industrial Property - I reading; (Submitted by: Agim Shakiri, Hari Lokvenec, Goran Milevski)
29 Draft-law Amending the Law on Accreditation - I reading; (Submitted by: Agim Shakiri, Hari Lokvenec, Goran Milevski)
30 Draft-law Amending the Law on Commodity Stocks - I reading; (Submitted by: Jovan Mitreski, Ejup Alimi, Pance Ivanov)
31 Draft-law Amending the Law on Technologically Industrial Development Areas - I reading; (Submitted by: Jovan Mitreski, Ejup Alimi, Hari Lokvenec, Dalibor Bogdanovski, Agim Shakiri)
32 Draft-law Amending the Law on Protection of Nature - I reading; (Submitted by: Ejup Alimi, Jovan Mitreski, Dime Velkovski, Tatjana Prentovik)
33 Draft-law Amending the Law on Environment - I reading; (Submitted by: Ejup Alimi, Jovan Mitreski, Dime Velkovski, Tatjana Prentovik)
34 Draft-law Amending the Law on State Inspectorate on Agriculture - I reading; (Submitted by: Ejup Alimi, Jovan Mitreski, Dime Velkovski, Tatjana Prentovik)
35 Draft-law Amending the Law on Forest and Hunting Inspection - I reading; (Submitted by: Ejup Alimi, Jovan Mitreski, Dime Velkovski, Tatjana Prentovik)
36 Draft-law Amending the Law on Health of the Plants - I reading; (Submitted by: Ejup Alimi, Jovan Mitreski, Dime Velkovski, Tatjana Prentovik)
37 Draft-law on Financial Police - I reading; (Submitted by: Jovan Mitreski, Ejup Alimi, Pance Ivanov)
38 Draft-law Amending the Law on Inspection Oversight - I reading; (Submitted by: Jovan Mitreski, Ejup Alimi, Betiane Kitev, Aleksandar Kiracovski)
39 Draft-law Amending the Law on National Bank of the Republic of Macedonia - I reading; (Submitted by: Jovan Mitreski, Ejup Alimi, Pance Ivanov)
40 Draft-law Amending the Law on Prevention of Money Laundering and Other Incomes of Criminal Acts and Financing Terrorism - I reading; (Submitted by: Jovan Mitreski, Ejup Alimi, Pance Ivanov)
41 Draft-law Amending the Law on Public Procurements - I reading; (Submitted by: Jovan Mitreski, Ejup Alimi, Pance Ivanov)
42 Draft-law Amending the Law on Central Registry - I reading; (Submitted by: Jovan Mitreski, Ejup Alimi, Pance Ivanov)
43 Draft-law Amending the Law on Securities - I reading; (Submitted by: Jovan Mitreski, Ejup Alimi, Pance Ivanov)
44 Draft-law Amending the Law on Fund for Insurance of Deposits - I reading; (Submitted by: Jovan Mitreski, Ejup Alimi, Pance Ivanov)
45 Draft-law Amending the Law on State Audit - I reading; (Submitted by: Jovan Mitreski, Ejup Alimi, Pance Ivanov)
46 Draft-law Amending the Law on Custom Management - I reading; (Submitted by: Jovan Mitreski, Ejup Alimi, Pance Ivanov)
47 Draft-law Amending the Law on Public Revenue Office - I reading; (Submitted by: Jovan Mitreski, Ejup Alimi, Pance Ivanov)
48 Draft Law Amending the Law on Foreign Exchange Inspection - I reading; (Submitted by: Jovan Mitreski, Ejup Alimi, Pance Ivanov)
49 Draft-law Amending the Law on Supervision on Insurance - I reading; (Submitted by: Jovan Mitreski, Ejup Alimi, Pance Ivanov)
50 Draft-law Amending the Law on Revision of the Instrument for Pre - accession Assistance (IPA) - I reading; (Submitted by: Jovan Mitreski, Ejup Alimi, Pance Ivanov)
51 Draft-law Amending the Law on Mandatory Oil and Oil Derivates Reserves - I reading. (Submitted by: Jovan Mitreski, Ejup Alimi, Pance Ivanov)