Wednesday, 09 December 2020, 14.00 Hall 6
26th Meeting of the Legislative Committee
1 Draft – law Amending the Law on Law on Registration of Residence and Temporary Residence of Citizens - II reading;
2 Draft – law Amending the Law on Road Traffic Safety – II reading;
3 Draft – law Amending the Law on Internal Affairs - II reading;
4 Draft – law Amending the Law on Housing – II reading;
5 Draft – law Amending the Law on Railway System – II reading;
6 Draft – law Amending the Law on Communal Activities – II reading;
7 Draft Law on Prevention and Protection from Violence Against Women and Domestic Violence - I reading;
8 Draft – law Amending the Law on Social Protection, shortened procedure;
9 Draft-law Supplementing the Law on Child Protection, shortened procedure;
10 Draft –law Amending the Law on Higher Education - II reading;
11 Draft – law Amending the Law on Administrative Servants – II reading;
12 Draft – law Amending the Law on Personal Name - II reading;
13 Draft – law Amending the Law on Travel Documents of the Citizens of the Republic of Macedonia – II reading;