Monday 18 December2021 11.00 Grand Hall
30th Session of the Assembly of the Republic of North Macedonia
1 Draft – Law Amending the Law on Equal Opportunities for Women and Men, shortened procedure;
2 Draft - Law Amending the Law on the use of sign language, shortened procedure;
3 Draft - Law Amending the Law on Mandatory Fully-Funded Pension Insurance, shortened procedure;
4 Draft - Law Amending the Law on Voluntary Fully-Funded Pension Insurance, shortened procedure;
5 Draft - Law Amending the Law on Protection from Harassment at the Workplace, shortened procedure;
6 Draft - Law Amending the Law on Internship, shortened procedure;
7 Draft - Law Amending the Law on Volunteering, shortened procedure;
8 Draft - Law Amending the Law on Law on Payment of Pensions and Pension Benefits from Fully Funded Pension Insurance, shortened procedure;
9 Draft - Law Amending the Law on Employment of Disabled Persons, shortened procedure;
10 Draft - Law Amending the Law on Employment and Insurance in case of Unemployment, shortened procedure;
11 Draft – Law on Interest Write-Off and Reprogramming Debts and Expenses of Public Enterprises, shortened procedure;
12 Draft-Law Amending the Trade Law, shortened procedure;
13 Draft-Law Amending the Law on Audiovisual Goods, shortened procedure;
14 Draft-Law Amending the Law on Museums, shortened procedure;
15 Draft-Law Amending the Law on Monuments and Memorials, shortened procedure;
16 Draft-Law Amending the Law on Publishing, shortened procedure;
17 Draft-Law Amending the Law on Health Care, shortened procedure;
18 Draft-Law Amending the Law on Health Insurance, shortened procedure;
19 Draft-Law Amending the Law on Excises, shortened procedure;
20 Draft-Law Amending the Law on Medicines and Medical Devices, shortened procedure;
21 Draft – Law Amending the Law on Protection from Explosives, I reading;
22 Draft – Law Amending the Law on Prevention of Violence and Indecent Behavior during Sport Events – I reading;
23 Draft – Law Amending the Law on Foreigners (*) - I reading;
24 Draft – Law Amending the Law on storage protection from flammable liquid and gases - I reading;
25 Draft – Law Amending the Law on Police - I reading;
26 Draft – Law Amending the Law on Taking and Transplanting Parts of Human Body for the Purpose of Treatment – I reading;
27 Draft – Law Amending the Law on Public Health Care - I reading;
28 Draft – Law Amending the Law on Cosmetic Products Safety - I reading;
29 Draft – Law Amending the Law on Chemicals - I reading;
30 Draft – Law Amending the Law on Sanitary and Health Inspection – I reading;
31 Draft – Law Amending the Law on Financial Companies – I reading;
32 Draft – Law Amending the Law on Audit of the Instrument for Pre – Accession Instrument (IPA) – I reading;
33 Draft – Law Amending the Law on Deposit Insurance Fund – I reading;
34 Draft – Law Amending the Law on Leasing – I reading;
35 Draft - Law Amending the Law on Bill of Exchange – I reading;
36 Draft - Law Amending the Law on the Control of Articles of Precious Metals - I reading;
37 Draft- Law Amending the Law on Craft- I reading;
38 Draft- Law Amending the Law on Export Control of Dual-Use Goods and Technology – I reading;
39 Draft- Law Amending the Law on One-Stop Shop System and Keeping the Trade Register and the Register of Other Legal Entities - I reading;
40 Draft – Law Amending the Trade Law - I reading;
42 Draft – Law Amending the Law on Agricultural Land - I reading;
43 Draft – Law Amending the Law on Seeds and Seedlings for Agricultural Plants - I reading;
44 Draft – Law Amending the Law on Consolidation of Agricultural Plant- I reading;
45 Draft – Law Amending the Law on Performing Agricultural Activities – I reading;
46 Draft – Law Amending the Law on the Breeder’s Rights – I reading;
47 Draft-Law on Lobbying - I reading;
48 Draft – Law Amending the Law on Mountain Trails – I reading;
49 Draft – Law Amending the Law on Ambient Air Quality(*) - I reading;
50 Draft – Law Amending the Law on Protection against Environmental Noise - I reading;
51 Draft – Law Amending the Law on Environment- I reading;
52 Draft – Law Amending the Law on Scientific and Research Activities, I reading;
53 Interpellation on the work of the Deputy-Prime Minister for European Affairs, Nikola Dimitrov;