Friday, 15 January 2021 14.30 Hall 6
39th Meeting of the Legislative Committee
1. Draft – Law Amending the Law on Special Rights of Members of the Security Forces of the Republic of Macedonia and Members of Their Families - II reading;
2. Draft – Law on Development, Production and Trade of Military Goods – I reading;
3. Draft – Law Amending the Law on Foreigners (*) – I reading;
4. Draft – Law Amending the Law on the Police – I reading;
5. Draft – Law Amending the Law on Protection from Explosives – I reading;
6. Draft – Law Amending the Law on storage protection from flammable liquid and gases - I reading;
7. Draft – Law Amending the Law on Detective Activities - I reading;
8. Draft – Law Amending the Law on Border Control - I reading;
9. Draft – Law Amending the Law on Providing Fast Money Transfer Services - I reading;
10. Draft – Law Amending the Law on Promissory Note- I reading;
11. Draft Law Amending the Law on Bill of Exchange – I reading;
12. Draft – Law Amending the Law on Deposit Insurance Fund – I reading;
13. Draft – Law Amending the Law on Leasing – I reading;
14. Draft – Law Amending the Law on Audit of the Instrument for Pre – Accession Instrument (IPA) – I reading;
15. Draft – Law Amending the Law on Financial Companies – I reading;