Tuesday, 21 December 2021, 11:00 Hall 6 AT 13:45
50th Meeting of the Legislative Committee Agenda
11. Draft - law on Development, Production and Trade of Military Goods - II reading
16. Draft-law Amending the Law on Bill of Exchange - II reading
17. Draft - law Amending the Law on the Fund on Insurance of Deposits - II reading
18. Draft - law Amending the law on Leasing - II reading
19. Draft -law Amending the Law on Financial Associations - II reading
20. Draft - law Amending the Law on Revision of the Instrument for Pre - accession Assistance (IPA) - II reading
21. Draft - law Amending the Law on Tax Procedure - II reading
22. Draft -law Amending the Law on Cash payment Registries - II reading
23. Draft-law Amending the Law on Compulsory Social Insurance Contributions - II reading
24. Draft-law Amending the Law on Games of Chance and Entertainment Games - II reading