Monday, 20 December 2021, Grand Dome, 11:00
57th Session of the Assembly of the Republic of North Macedonia
1 Draft - decision on Deployment of Members of the Armu of the Republic of North Macedonia to the International Operation of the European Union “ALTEA” in Bosnia and Herzegovina;
2 Draft-law Amending the Law on Labur Relations- II reading
3 Draft - law on Financial Support Decreasing the Consequences from the COVID - 19 Virus for the Production and Trade of Agriculture Products, shortened procedure
4 Draft - law on Financial Support Decreasing the Consequences from the COVID - 19 Virus for the Production, Sales of Grapes and Vine Industry, shortened procedure
5 Draft - law Amending the Law on Primary Education, shortened procedure
6 Draft-law on Guarantee of the Republic of North Macedonia on the Obligations under the Financial Agreement Intended for Financing the Project "Interconnector for Transmission of Natural Gas Greece - Northern Macedonia, Part of Northern Macedonia", which will be concluded between the European Investment Bank and the Joint Stock Company of energy activities National Energy Resources Skopje, in state ownership, by summary procedure;
7 Draft - resolution on Migration Policy of the Republic of North Macedonia 2021 - 2025, with Action Plan;
8 Draft - Law Amending the Law on Awards and Recognitions of the Republic of North Macedonia - I reading
9 Draft -law Amending the Law Establishing the Agency on Financial Support and Rural Development - I reading
10 Draft -law Amendign the Law on Seeding Material from Forest Trees - I reading
11 Draft - decision Approving the Annual Report on the Work and Development of the Agency Regulating the Railway Sector for 2022
12 Draft - decision Approving the Annual Report on the Work of the Agency on Postal Offices for 2022
13 Draft - decision Approving the Financial Plan of the Public Broadcasting Company Macedonian Radio Television for 2022 14 Report of the European Commission for the Republic of North Macedonia for 2021