
Tuesday, 06 April 2010, 11:00, Hall 1  

100th Session of the Assembly of the Republic of Macedonia   


1. Draft-law on Railway System (second reading)

2. Draft-law on Security in the Railway System (second reading)

 3. Draft-law Amending and Appending the Law on Services without Money Transfer (second reading)

4. Draft-law Amending and Appending the Law on Custom;

5. Draft-law Amending and Appending the Law on Customs Management (second reading)

6. Draft-law on Market Oversight (second reading)

7. Draft-law, with amendments, amending and Appending the Law on Trade Unions – II reading  

8. Draft-law Amending and Appending the Law on Living Environment (second reading);

9. Draft-law on Agriculture and Rural Development (second reading)

10. Draft-law, with amendments, on Wine- II reading  

11.Draft-law, with amendments, Amending and Appending the Law on Health Insurance- II reading  

12. Draft-law, with amendments, Amending and Appending the Law on Obligatory Capital Financed Pension Insurance (second reading)  

13. Draft-law Amending and Appending the Law on Insurance in Cases of Unemployment (second reading)  

14. Draft-law, with amendments, on Prevention and Protection from Discrimination (first reading);

15. Draft-law, with amendments, Amending the Law on Labour Relations (second reading)

16. Draft- law, with amendments, Amending and Appending the Law on Enforcement (second reading)

17. Draft-law on inspection Oversight (second reading);

18. Draft-law on Associations and Union (second reading)

19.Draft-law with amendments, on Public Servants- II reading  

20. Draft-law on Academy of Judges and Public Prosecutors- I reading  

21. Draft-law Amending and Appending the Law on Fishing and Aquaculture- I reading  

22.Draft-law Amending and Appending the Law on Family- I reading  

23. Draft-law on Management with the World Natural and Cultural Heritage in the Ohrid Region- I reading  

24.Draft-law Amending and Appending the Law on Textbooks for Primary and Secondary Education- I reading 
Submitted by the MPs: Slavica Grkovska Loshkova, Marinela Tusheva, Stanka Anastasova

25. Draft-law Amending the Law Establishing National Agency on European Education Programs and Mobility- I reading 
Submitted by the MPs: Slavica Grkovska Loshkova, Marinela Tusheva, Stanka Anastasova

26. Proposal on Authentic Interpretation of Article 8 Paragraph (1), point 9) from the Law on Transport in the Public Traffic  

27. Request for authentic interpretation of Article 2, in relation with Article 366 Paragraphs 4 and 5 from the Law on Trade Unions, submitted by Ms. Natasha Janevska, MP  

28. Draft-law Amending the Law on Aviation- I reading  

29. Draft-law Amending and Appending the Law Concessions and Other Types on Public Private Partnership, shortened procedure- II reading  

30. Draft-law Amending and Appending the Law on Construction Property, shortened procedure- II reading 
