Parliamentary Leadership


Jovan Mitreski was born on 20 November 1980, in Struga, Republic of North Macedonia. He completed his primary education in Struga, in 1995 at the primary school "Brakja Miladinovci". He continued his education at the secondary school "St. Kliment Ohridski" in Ohrid, where he graduated in 1999. In 1999, he enrolled at the Faculty of Economics, University "St. Kliment Ohridski", where he graduated in 2004, with a degree in economics, statistics, and cybernetics.

After graduation, Mitreski decided to start and develop his professional career in his native Struga, where he first started working as an accountant and a certified public accountant, and then in 2006 he founded and became the manager of a trading company in the area of accounting, bookkeeping and audit, as well as in the field of tax consultancy.

He continued to follow with attention the development of economic sciences and the economic processes as a basis for the development and promotion of the state, which is why in 2007 he accepted the challenge of working with young people and became a professor of vocational economic subjects at the secondary school "Niko Nestor", in Struga. As a professor, he made a significant contribution to the education and upbringing of future generations, who are the backbone of a country's progress.

The desire to do much more for the development of Struga, but also for the economic and democratic progress of the country, motivated him for a professional-political engagement and in 2014 he was first elected as a Member of Assembly from the ranks of the Social Democratic Union of Macedonia.

During this term, Mitreski was the Chair of the parliamentary Committee on Labor and Social Policy, and a deputy member of the Committee on Financing and Budget, the Committee on Oversight of the Work of the Security and Counter Intelligence Administration and the Intelligence Agency, as well as the Committee on Education, Science and Sports.

Within the international activities of the Assembly, in the area of developing good bilateral relations, Mitreski was a member and actively engaged in the Parliamentary Groups of the Assembly for Cooperation with the Parliaments of the Republic of Albania, Ukraine and China.

In 2016, Mitreski was re-elected as a Member of Assembly. During this parliamentary composition, he was appointed deputy coordinator of the parliamentary group of SDSM and the Coalition, and at the beginning of 2019 he became the coordinator. In this extremely significant period for the democratic development of the country, Mitreski made a significant contribution to the advancement of our country both domestically and internationally.

As a deputy coordinator, and later as a coordinator, he played a key role in the adoption of the social reform in the country, which ensured the improvement of the standard of living of the most vulnerable categories of citizens. He was also involved in the economic reforms of the state, which meant improving the standard of living of the citizens, improving the conditions for economic progress and investments.

Mitreski was also actively involved in the process of the ratification of the North Atlantic Treaty. On 11 February 2020, during the Ratification he stated from the plenary lectern: "This is a moment that defines our future, stability and prosperity. This sets an example of how decades-long disputes are resolved and good neighbourly relations are built. If you have a vision, the future is guaranteed. NATO membership brings more investments, more jobs, better living standards in the country, and not migrating abroad."

During this term, Mitreski was involved in the work of the Committee on Financing and Budget, as well as the Committee on Oversight of the Work of the National Security Agency and the Intelligence Agency. In the framework of international activities, he was part of the delegation of the Assembly of the Republic of Macedonia to the Inter-Parliamentary Union (IPU), as well as in the Parliamentary Groups of the Assembly for Cooperation with the Parliaments of Ukraine, Malta, Cyprus, Albania and Iran.

After the parliamentary elections held in July 2020, Mitreski began his third term as a Member of Assembly of the Republic of North Macedonia. He was re-elected as the coordinator of the parliamentary group of SDSM and the Coalition.

At the time when our country and the whole world were facing the Covid-19 pandemic, which caused a global economic crisis, Mitreski, as the coordinator of the parliamentary group of SDSM and the Coalition and as part of the parliamentary majority, successfully managed the process of adopting the health and the economic measures, which ensured a successful handling of the health and economic crisis.

Mitreski also made a significant contribution to the Jean Monet Dialogue, which supported the Assembly of the Republic of North Macedonia to consensualy adopt the new Rules of Procedure of the Assembly which will be applied starting from the new parliamentary composition, after the parliamentary elections in May 2024.

In this parliamentary composition, Mitreski was actively engaged in the Budget Council of the Assembly of the Republic of North Macedonia, the Committee on Election and Appointment Issues, the Committee on Economic Affairs, Committee on Financing and Budget, as well as the Committee for Oversight of the Work of the Agency for National Security and the Intelligence Agency.

On the international level, he chaired the Parliamentary Group of the Assembly of the Republic of North Macedonia for Cooperation with the Parliament of Ukraine, was part of the delegation of the Assembly of the Republic of North Macedonia to the Inter-Parliamentary Union (IPU), and was also involved in the Parliamentary Groups of the Assembly of the Republic of North Macedonia for Cooperation with the Parliaments of Albania and the People's Republic of China.

Jovan Mitreski speaks Macedonian, English and Serbian-Croatian. He lives in his native Struga, he is married and is the father of three children.


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