Thursday, 12 December 2013, Tirana, Albania
Address of the President Veljanoski before the Members of the Parliament of the Republic of Albania
Distinguished Speaker of the Parliament of the Republic of Albania,
Distinguished Members of the Legislative House,
Distinguished representatives of the media,
Ladies and gentlemen,
Dear friends,
Allow me to express my sincere pleasure from the opportunity to address before this esteemed auditorium comprised of the elected representatives of the people of the friendly state of Albania.
For me, as President of the Macedonian Parliament, this honour given to me by the Albanian hosts is the highest expression of respect towards the Republic of Macedonia and its citizens.
And for that - Ju falënderoj shumë (Thank you so much).
Juа përcjell mirënjohjen e qytetarëve të Maqedonisë. (I convey the appreciation of the citizens of the Republic of Macedonia).
Distinguished Speaker of the Parliament Liar Meta,
Distinguished Members of all political parties.
Today, here, in the beautiful city Tirana, in this great building of the Albanian Parliament, I brought the expectations of both, Macedonians and Albanians from my state.
I also express my sincere will, the joyful impressions from this visit with our citizens from Skopje, but also from Tetovo.
I am bringing the impressions of the amazing Ohrid and Prespa Lakes, as well as the beautiful Šar Mountains, which are our joint goal and obligation.
I stand here before you to call for greater cooperation and understanding between our people and states.
I know that we have many opportunities to develop the political cooperation and mutual friendship.
I know that we have many opportunities to deepen our strong cultural connections.
I know that we have many opportunities to build bigger bridges of economic cooperation.
There is space for doors open wider for entrance of new investments.
Briefly, I stand before you to confirm my deep determination to personally mark the overall promotion of relations between Macedonians and Albanians.
Between Macedonia and Albania.
And I am proud of this.
I am proud since I sincerely believe in our mutual friendship.
I sincerely believe in the great desire to surpass the few mutual challenges on the path of our joint success.
I believe in this because I also know that the success of Albania is equally important to us, in Macedonia; and I also know that the success of Macedonia is important to you here, in friendly Tirana.
We have celebrated every success together. Not only in the politics or economy.
We equally celebrate the mutual successes in culture, education or sport.
Your victories are our victories as well.
Our victories, I believe are your victories.
In this context, from this stand, I directly convey my conviction that the Republic of Albania will receive a candidate status in very near future, and soon after achieve its great national goal - membership in the European Union.
I know and I am convinced that you sincerely deserve this reward, as result of the labour and the efforts of the politicians, but also of the administration, in other words, the whole Albanian society.
Your progress to the European Union is a confirmation of your maturity and preparedness to contribute in the development of the general civilization values of Europe, which are also, Macedonian values.
Macedonia is sincerely happy for this success of Albania.
Distinguished MPs, we believe that in the future you will develop the Albanian state and society even further.
Dear friends,
I stand here before you to confirm the strong will of the Republic of Macedonia to develop the friendship with the Republic of Albania.
I stand here before you since I believe that our future is interlaced with the clear noble goal as well.
This receives its strength from the positive examples of the past, but sees deep into the future.
A future that will fully bloom in the moments when our two states and nations stand next to each other in the united family of Europe.
Distinguished ladies and gentlemen,
The Balkan political history and people relations in the past were characterized with moments of conflicts, but also moments of mutual understanding.
With moments of economic cooperation, but also with restraint.
With moments of understanding, but also mutual blames and national isolation.
Our historic battle is to continue the promotion of understanding and respect.
Our historic obligation is to be persistent on the path of trust and cooperation.
Macedonia and Albania have to continue with their positive messages and to be an example for excellent good neighbourly cooperation.
Let us offer a hand to each other!
Let us develop standards!
Let us give each other the word that we will not allow challenges to burden, in the narrowest sense, our relations.
Let us support each other as we did in the past.
Let us be an example to the European states, not only to have them as an example to us.
Our citizens established numerous bridges of cooperation.
Albanians from Macedonia build the connections with friendly Albania.
But also, Macedonians from Albania contribute for the future development of the Macedonian – Albanian relations.
These relations are our greatest strength,
Let us cherish them.
Let us develop them.
Let us fight for them.
These relations sustain us and determine the agenda of each political activity.
The Assembly of the Republic of Macedonia will continue to cherish the spirit of cooperation and understanding.
The ethnic vibrancy, in my opinion, is the biggest treasure we should benefit from.
A treasure that has united us through the centuries and that should unite us now and in the future.
The relations between the Macedonian and the Albanian nation are part of the highest agenda of the major part of the relevant political leaders in Macedonia.
In the same time, they are part of my highest political priorities as a President of the Macedonian Assembly, but also personally.
Educated in a multiethnic environment
Matured in the ethnically mixed districts near the Old Skopje Bazaar, Skopje Fortress, I am best acquainted with the holiness of these knot connections of friendship and trust among Macedonians and Albanians.
Among Christians and Muslims.
I believe that in this manner, also, understanding and helping each other, we will succeed to remain an example for our citizens, how they should treat each other.
I am strongly convinced that through the combination of measures for further relaxation of the multiethnic relations and through a strong and uncompromising engagement in direction of strengthening the economy, we shall manage to strengthen the trust between Macedonians and Albanians.
Both in Albania and in Macedonia!
These events are particularly needed and beneficial.
In this manner only, through an open discussion, we can change the state of affairs to better.
Ladies and gentlemen,
Allow me to seize this opportunity and to clearly underline that the Membership in the European Union is one of the highest foreign policy goals of the Republic of Macedonia. I can conclude, with pleasure, that there is a general political consensus among all Governments so far and political entities in the Republic of Macedonia regarding this determination of ours.
The efforts for the accomplishment of this noble goal were, and are, demonstrated by the Macedonians.
And Albanians.
And all other ethnic communities in Macedonia.
This strategic determination of our finds great support among the public of our state.
When we speak of our aspiration for full fledged integration in the European Union, once again I will state my opinion.
The belonging to the European Union is not and must not be a goal on its own.
I comprehend this belonging as a pre-condition for our overall development and continuous progress.
Our goal is not the Membership in the European Union alone.
Our primary goal is achieving the European standards.
We are aware of the difficulties brought by the accommodation.
But, this on the other hand, is an essential condition for the Republic of Macedonia to be able to participate in the work of the European institutions one day.
Macedonia, with its example and its current activities, I believe, strongly confirms its pledge.
In the same time, the membership in the European Union is complemented with another strategic goal for the Republic of Macedonia.
That certainly is the integration in NATO.
We have been through many crossings on our path to NATO.
Dear friends,
The goals of the Republic of Macedonia and the Republic of Albania complement each other.
Challenges as well.
The democracy which arose from the socialism is characteristic of both, the Albanian and the Macedonian people.
The Membership in the European Union, though, is a joint goal for both states.
I believe in the strength of these relations of ours.
I believe that the cooperation in the past will be the guarantee for development of the mutual alliance in the future.
We have to be persistent on that path.
We are obliged to develop our mutual cooperation in every area.
I convey the greatest greetings from friendly Macedonia to Albania and Albanians.
I përcjell përshëndetjet më të mëdha nga Maqedonia miqësore, për Shqipërinë dhe për shqiptarët.
Thank you for your attention.