Tuesday, 27 December 2011
The Committee on European Issues and the National Integration Council of the Assembly of the Republic of Macedonia held a joint meeting on the three quarter-year information for the activities from the National Program on Adoption of the Acquis- Revision 2011, for the period January- September 2011, drafted by the Secretariat on European Issues of the Government of the Republic of Macedonia.
Ms. Teuta Arifi as the introductory speaker, informed the participants on the realized activities in this period, the discussions with Ms. Hilary Clinton in USA, as well as with many European diplomats in Brussels.
Ms. Arifi announced that the National Program on Adoption of the Acquis - Revision 2012, as well as the Action Plan for Realization of the recommendations from the Annual Progress Report on the Republic of Macedonia, which was delivered by the European Commission in October 2011, will be submitted to the Assembly of the Republic of Macedonia in January 2012.
In the debate, the MPs and the Members of the National European Integration Council, expressed their positive and negative opinions for the Euro-integrative process of the Republic of Macedonia, underlining the Verdict of the International Court of Justice in Hague, the respect of the Interim Agreement between the Republic of Greece and the Republic of Macedonia, the Conclusions of the European Council in December, as well as the level of realization of the reforms in the judiciary, the public administration, the implementation of the Ohrid Framework Agreement, the inclusion of the NGOs in the Euro- integration process, decentralization and other important aspects of the Euro-integrative process of the country.
The Chair of the Committee on European Issues, Mr. Hajrula Misini, the Chair and the Deputy Chair of the National Integration Council- Ms. Radmila Shekerinska Jankovska and Ms. Silvana Boneva; as well as the MPs: Gordan Gjorgiev, Ivon Velichkovski, Pavle Trajanov, Tito Petkovski, Antonio Miloshoski, Ilija Dimovski, Izet Zekjiri and the Representative of the NGO Sector, Tanja Hafner- Ademi.