
Monday, 19 December 2011, 11:00, Hall 1



1. Draft-law, with amendments, amending the Budget of the Republic of Macedonia for 2012- II reading

2. Draft-decision Amending the Decision on Election of Chairmen, Vice-Chairmen, Members and Deputy Members of the Committees of the Assembly of the Republic of Macedonia

3. Draft-decision Amending the Decision Establishing Parliamentary Groups of the Assembly of the Republic of Macedonia for Cooperation with the Parliaments from Other States and Election of Chairs and Members of the Parliamentary Groups of the Assembly of the Republic of Macedonia for Cooperation with the Parliaments from Other States

4. Draft-decision Appending the Decision on Appointment of Chairperson, Deputy Chairperson, Members and Deputy Members of the National European Integration Council

5. Draft-law Amending the Law on Social Protection- I reading
Submitted by: Radmila Sekerinska Jankovska, Gordan Georgiev, Natasa Savova Salkovska, Igor Ivanovski, Tanja Tomik, Ana Pavlovska Daneva, Oliver Spasovski, Goran Mincev, Blagoja Stojanovski, Samka Ibraimoski, Dragisa Miletik, Marjanco Nikolov, Marinela Tuseva, Emilijan Stankovik, Biljana Kazandziska, Mile Andonov, Golupco Angelov, Stanka Anastasova, Andrej Petrov, Pance Orcev, Goran Sugareski, Cvetanka Ivanova, Save Marackov, Svetlana Mazgaloska Vucetik, Borce Stavrov, Jani Makraduli, Vesna Bendevska, Mitre Veljanoski, Erdogan Sarac, Divna Jovkovska Eftimoska, Mende Dinevski, Stojko Paunovski, Rejhan Durmisi, Fijat Canoski, Lence Nikolovska, Mevmet DZemajloski, Safet Bisevac, Tito Petkovski, Ivon Velickovski, Goran Misovski, Sonja Mirakovska, Nikolce Acevski

6. Draft-law on Financial Support of Unemployed Persons as a Result of Privatization of State and Social Ownership Companies- I reading
Submitted by: Radmila Sekerinska Jankovska, Gordan Georgiev, Natasa Savova Salkovska, Igor Ivanovski, Tanja Tomik, Ana Pavlovska Daneva, Oliver Spasovski, Goran Mincev, Blagoja Stojanovski, Samka Ibraimoski, Dragisa Miletik, Marjanco Nikolov, Marinela Tuseva, Emilijan Stankovik, Biljana Kazandziska, Mile Andonov, Golupco Angelov, Stanka Anastasova, Andrej Petrov, Pance Orcev, Goran Sugareski, Cvetanka Ivanova, Save Marackov, Svetlana Mazgaloska Vucetik, Borce Stavrov, Jani Makraduli, Vesna Bendevska, Mitre Veljanoski, Erdogan Sarac, Divna Jovkovska Eftimoska, Mende Dinevski, Stojko Paunovski, Tito Petkovski, Ivon Velickovski, Goran Misovski, Sonja Mirakovska, Nikolce Acevski, Rejhan Durmisi, Fijat Canoski, Lence Nikolovska, Mevmet DZemajloski, Safet Bisevac

7. Annual Program on the Work of the Agency for Electronic Communication for 2012

8. Draft-decision on approval of the Annual Program for the Work of the Agency on Post Offices for 2012

9. Draft-decision Approving the Statutory Decision Amending the Statute of the “Goce Delchev” university- Shtip

10. Request for Authentic Interpretation of Article2, Paragraph 1, Line 5, connected with the Article 2, Paragraph 1, Line 9 of  the Law on Safety of the Road Traffic,
Submitted by: Stojko Paunovski 

11. Draft-law on Ratification of the Agreement between the Government of the Republic of Macedonia and the Government of Lithuania on Motivation and Protection of Mutual Investments

12. Draft-law on ratification of the Agreement between the Government of the Republic of Macedonia anf the Government of the Republic of Kosovo on Extradition

13. Draft-law on Ratification of the Agrement between the Government of the Republic of Macedonia andf the Government of the Republic of Kosovo on Transfer of Convicts

14. Daft-Law on Ratification of the Government of the Republic of Macedonia and the Government of the Republic of Kosovo on Mutual Assistance in Criminal Cases

15. Draft-law on Transfer of the Demands of the Republic of Macedonia on the basis of Public Expences in Permanent investment in the Company on Rsearch, Desining, Production, Construction and Building Energy Industrial Objects with Full Responsibility- EMO Ohrid, shortened procedure

16. Draft-law Amending the Law on Mandatory Social Insurance, shortened

17. Draft-law Appendign the Law on Free Legal Assiatance, shortened procedure

18. Draft-law Amending the Law on Estimation, shortened procedure

19.  Draft-law Amending the Law on Financial Conglomeracy- II reading

20. Draft-law on Investment of the Republic of Macedonia in the Action Capital of Europe RE- II reading

21. Draft-law on amending the Law on Registering Cash Payments - II reading

22. Draft-law Amending the Law on Public Procurements- II reading

23. Draft-law indebting the Republic of Macedonia in the International bank for Reconstruction and Development, World Bank upon the Agreement on Loan for Financing the Project for Insurance Against Natural Disasters- II reading

24. Draft-law Amending the Law on Water Resources Managements- II reading

25. Draft-law Amending the Law on Safety of Food for Animals- II reading

26. Draft-law Amending the Law on Safety of Food- II reading

27. Draft-law Amending the Law on Hunting- II reading

28. Draft-law on amending the Criminal Code - II reading
