Tuesday, 15 December 2009, 11:00, Constitutional Hall
National European Integration Council
1. European Integration of Macedonia after the Council of Europe Counclusions from 8 December 2009
2. Adoption of the Draft-conclusiond from the Public Debate on the Draft-law on Free Legal Aid, held on 14 July 2009
3. Adoption of Draft-conclusiond from the Public Debate on the Draft- law on Criminal Procedure and the Draft-law Amending the Law on Criminal Code, held on 22 July 2009
4. Adoption of the Draft-Counclusiond from the Public Debate on the Draft-law on Prevention of Conclic of Interests, held on 31 July 2009
5. Adoption of the Draft-Counclusiond from the Public Debate on the Draft-law Amending the Law on Civil Servants, held on 27 August 2009
6. Adoption of the Draft-Counclusiond from the Public Debate on the Draft-law Amending the Law on Labor relations, held on 4 September 2009
7. Adoption of the Draft-Counclusiond from the Public Debate on “Policies on Promotion the Living Environment in the the Republic of Macedonia “ held on 26 November 2009