
Wednesday, 10 February 2010, 11:00, Government Hall

43rd Meeting of the Committee on European Issues 

Agenda :

1.  Draft-law Amending the Law on Quality of Air- I reading 

2.  Draft-law Amending the Law on Protection of Nature- I reading

3. Draft-law on ratification of the Protocol of Convention on  Distant Over Board  Air Pollution from 1979 on Long-term Financing of the Program on Cooperation for Monitoring and Evaluation of the Distant Transmission of Polluting Materials in the Air of Europe (EMEP) 

4. Draft-law on ratification of the Protocol of the Convention on  Distant Over Board  Air Pollution from 1979Regarding further Decrease of the Emission of Sulphur 

5. Draft-law on Ratification of the Protocol of the Convention on  Distant Over Board  Air Pollution from 1979 for Control of Emission of Nitrate Oxides  and their Overboard transmission 

