
Wednesday, 03 February 2010, 13:30, Government Hall

60th Meeting of the Legislative Committee

First Continuation 


1. Draft-law on Ratification of the Vienna Agreement on International Classification of the Figurative Elements of the Trade Marks

2. Draft-law on ratification of the Singapore Agreement on the Right on Trade Mark 

3. Draft-law on ratification of the Convention on Over border Consequences from Industrial Accidents

4. Draft-law on Ratification of the Agreement between the Republic of Macedonia and Canada on Social Insurance

5. Draft-law on Tobacco and Tobacco Products – I reading 

6. Draft- Law Amending the Law  on Property and other Material Rights- I reading

7. Draft-law on Payment by Instalments of Debts of Public Companies and Trade Unions Established in the Republic of Macedonia , i.e. the Municipalities or the City of Skopje shortened procedure - II reading

8. Draft-law on Indebting the Republic of Macedonia  in the Bank of Reconstruction and Development upon the Framework Agreement on Loan for Partial Financing of the Project for reconstruction and Upgrade of the Public health Institutions- 1st Phase, II reading

9. Draft-law Amending the Law on Trade Unions- II reading

10. Draft-law on Testing Proscription, i.e. Marking Weapons and Munitions- II reading;

11. Draft-law Amending the Law on Pastures – II reading 

12.  Draft-law on Veterinary- Medical materials- II reading

13. Draft-Declaration Supporting the European Parliament Resolution on Srebrenica from 15 January 2009. 

14. Stipulations of Consolidated text of the Law on labour Relations 

