Debate Public "Safer Internet"
Tuesday, 9 February 2010, 11:00-11:30 h, “Boris Trajkovski” Hall
- Mr. Aleksandar Spasenovski, Chairman of the Delegation of the Joint Parliamentary Committee the Republic of Macedonia - EU
Introductory address
- Mr. Trajko Veljanoski, President of the Assembly of the Republic of Macedonia
- Patrick Packe- Political Advisor in the European Union Mission to the Republic of Macedonia
- Mr. Jani Makraduli, Vide-President of the Assembly of the Republic of Macedonia
- Mr. Aleksandar Spasenoivski, MP in the Assembly of the Republic of Macedonia
- Mr. Dimitri Trajanov, Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Information Technologies, "SS. Cyril and Methodius" Skopje
Discussion- participants
- Committee on Foreign Policy
- Committee on European Affairs
- Committee on Education, Science and Sport
- Standing Inquiry Committee for Protection of Civil Rights and Freedoms
- National European Integration Council- MPs
- Experts
- Representatives of the Civil Sector
- Representatives of the Local - Self-government Units
- Representatives of the Government of the Republic of Macedonia and State Agencies