Monday, 15 February 2010
51st meeting of the Committee on Financing and Budget
The Committee on Financing and Budget from the Assembly of the Republic of Macedonia , on its 51st Meeting, held on 12 February 2010, as a competent working body reviewed the Draft-law on Issuing Vouchers (first reading) and Draft-law on Indebting the Republic of Macedonia in the International Bank on Reconstruction and Development- World Bank , upon the Agreement on Loan for the First Loan on Policy Development- DPL I- II reading.
Mr. Jani Makraduli presented the introductory address on the Draft-law on Issuing Vouchers (first reading), submitted by Ms. Vesna Bendevska, Mr. Jani Makraduli, Ms. Radmila Shekerinska- Jankovska and Ms. Slavica Grkovska- Loshkova Ms. Vladanka Avirovik, Ms. Vesna Bendevska and Ms. Slavica Grkovska Loshkovska participated in the debate.
The Members of the Committee on Financing and Budget , voting 2 “for” and 7 “against” concluded that the Draft-law on Issuing Vouchers (first reading) is not acceptable for further reading in the Assembly of the Republic of Macedonia.
Regarding second point of the agenda, since MPs did not submit amendments, the Committee concluded, with 7 votes “for” and 2 “against” that there are no conditions for preparation of Draft-law, with amendments, on Indebting the Republic of Macedonia in the International Bank on Reconstruction and Development- World Bank , upon the Agreement on Loan for the First Loan on Policy Development - DPL I.