Tuesday, 9 February 2010
Public debate on the Occasion of 9th February- The European Day on Safer Internet
The Delegation from the Assembly of the Republic of Macedonia in the Joint Parliamentary Committee- the Republic of Macedonia – EU organised public debate “Safer Internet” .
The President of the Assembly of the Republic of Macedonia, Mr. Trajko Veljanoski was keynote speaker. Mr. Patrick Paquet, Political Advisor in the EU Mission in the Republic of Macedonia, Mr. Jani Makraduli, Vice-President of the Assembly of the Republic of Macedonia , Mr. Aleksandar Spasenovski, MP and Mr. Demitar Trajanov from the Faculty of Electrical Engineering “Ss. Cyril and Methodius” participated in this debate.
The Chairmen and members of the Committee on Foreign Policy, Committee on European Affairs, Committee on Education, Science and Sport, Standing Inquiry Committee for Protection of Civil Rights and Freedoms, National European Integration Council- MPs, Experts, Representatives of the Civil Sector, Representatives of the Local, Self-government Units, Representatives of the Government of the Republic of Macedonia and State Agencies were invited on this debate.
The aim of the public debate was to raise the citizens’ awareness for the benefits, but also for the risks of using internet, especially in the protection of the privacy through the prism of the Member States’ practises, as well as bigger social care in the Republic of Macedonia for the need of protection from the contents available on internet, which are harmful for their moral and health.
On the basis of the presented opinions, proposals and recommendations, the following conclusions were proposed and should be adopted on the next meeting of the Delegation:
- The Delegation from the Assembly of the Republic of Macedonia in the Parliamentary Committee on Stabilisation and Association joins the marking of the European Day on Safer Internet;
- The delegation makes efforts for promotion of constitutional provisions on the freedom of speech, as well as the freedom of learned, artistic or other kind of intellectual creation in light of development of ICT technology and creating a “ society based on knowledge”
- Concluding the unquestionable benefits from the development of technology in context of accomplishing the goal for creation of “society based on knowledge.
The delegation urges enforced care for creation of safer internet environment for children and young people.
- The Delegation underlines that the Assembly of the Republic of Macedonia and other institutions should pay grater attention on the safer internet issue. In the same time, indicates the necessity from further efforts to approach the IT Technology to the citizens in accordance with the practices of EU for creating safer internet environment for children and young people especially in light of the adopted Declaration on E- Union 2015, adopted by the Conference on IT Society, held on 9 November 2009 in Visby, Kingdom of Sweden