
Monday, 6 February 2012, 14:00- 17:00, “Boris Trajkovski” Hall

Workshop for the MPs and Consultation on the Experience from the accession negotiations (CHALLENGES, learned lessons) 

14.05 – 14.50

Presentation : Legislative framework, structures and content of the accession negotiations- Dr. Peter Shardi- Head of the Foreign Office, Hungarian Parliament

14.50 - 15.40

Presentation: Case Study 1- Experience of a recent Member State- Hungary, - Dr. Peter Shardi- Head of the Foreign Office, Hungarian Parliament

15.50 – 16.40

Presentation : Case Study 2- Experience of another recent member state, Ilmars Solims- Head of the Secretariat, High Advisor of the Committee on European Affairs- Latvian Parliament 

16.40 – 17.10

Presentation: Experience of the recent accession negotiation for Membership in Eu and the ongoing negotiations- Ilmars Solims- Head of the Secretariat, High Advisor of the Committee on European Affairs- Latvian Parliament 

17.10 – 17.30

Q&A Session, oral evaluation and comments, Questionnaire on evaluation 
