Friday, 25 February 2011, Vienna, Austria
The MP, Mr. Hisen Xhemaili, Member of the Delegation from the Assembly of the Republic of Macedonia in the Parliamentary Assembly of OSCE participated on the 10th Winter Session of OSCE PA held on 24 and 25 February 2011, in Vienna, Austria.
In the framework of the Session, attended by 240 MPs from 53 countries, the meetings of the following committees were held: the Committee on Political Affairs and Security, the Committee on Economy, Science, Technology and Environment and the Committee on Democracy, Human Rights and Humanitarian Issues and Joint Meeting of the three Committees and the Standing Committee of the OSCE PA.
The Minister of Foreign Affairs of Lithuania and Chair of OSCE, Mr. Audronius Ažubalis addressed on the Joint meeting and informed the MPs on the program of the Lithuanian Chairmanship with the Organization.
He underlined that the OSCE participant countries achieved collective and individual progress in the past years, but there are still challenges regarding the fundamental human rights, guarantee of fair elections, protection of freedom of speech and safety of journalists, as well as the guarantee that the anti-terrorist measures are in line with the international standards for human rights. Regarding the situation in the Mediterranean Region, Mr. Ažubalis stated that OSCE may provide support, advise and exchange of opinion to Egypt and Tunisia which are partner countries for cooperation of OSCE.
The Chairman of OSCE PA, Mr. Petros Efthymiou referred to the transparency of the procedure for election of Secretary General of OSCE, emphasising that this position should be held by an elected high political profile person in order to increase the image of the Organisation.