Wednesday, 27 January, European Parliament

Amendments on the Report for Macedonia Adopted

56 MEP voted “for”, 5 MEP- “restrained” and 5 MEP- ”against” the amendments on the Report for Republic of Macedonia , submitted by the Slovenian MEP and Rapporteur Mr. Zoran Thaler. The amendments request Macedonia to receive a date on opening the accession negotiations with EU in March 2010

Thursday, 21 January 2010

Nikiforos Diamanduros- European Ombudsman until 2014

The European Parliament re-elected Mr. Nikiforos Diamanduros from Greece for European Ombudsman until 2014, who holds this position since 2003. Mr. Nikiforos Diamanduros was supported by 340 MEP on yesterday’s secret voting. Other two nominees for this position were Mr. Pierre-Yves Monette (BE) who was supported by 289 votes and Vittorio Bottoli (IT) with 19 votes. 
