Thursday, 21 January 2010
48th Meeting of the Committee on Financing and Budget
The Committee on Financial and Budget, on its 48th Meeting held on 14 January, as a competent working body, reviewed the Draft-law on Indebting the Republic of Macedonia in the Council of Europe Bank upon the Framework Agreement on Loan for Partial Financing of the Project for Reconstruction and Physical Upgrade of the Public Health Institutions- Phase I- I reading.
Mr. Nadim Ramizi elaborated the Vice- minister on Finances. He underlined that in accordance with the priorities for 2008- 2012 and the National Strategy, the Government of the Republic of Macedonia initiated preparation of the reconstruction and Upgrade of the Public Health Institutions in the Republic of Macedonia Project
Through the realisation of this project the problems with the old medical infrastructure and equipment should be solved. The project will be executed in 3 phases and the total value of the first phase is 46.000 000 Euros, CEB participating with 50% and the other 50% will be provided by the Government of the Republic of Macedonia . The Committee, with 8 votes “for” and 3 “against” concluded that the Draft-law on Indebting the Republic of Macedonia in the Council of Europe Bank upon the Framework Agreement on Loan for Partial Financing of the Project for Reconstruction and Physical Upgrade of the Public Health Institutions- Phase I is acceptable and that it should proceed to further reading in the Assembly.