Wednesday, 15 January 2014, 14:00, Constitutional Hall
22nd meeting of the committee on election and appointment issues
1. Stipulation of Decision on Election of Char, Deputy Chair and Members of the State Commission on Verification of the Facts;
2. Stipulation of Draft-decision on Appointment of Members of the State Commission on Decisions in Management Procedure and Labour Procedure in Second Degree;
3. Stipulation of Draft-decision on Appointment of Deputy Chair and a Member of the Committee on Protection of the Right of Free Access to Public Data;
4.Stipulation of Draft-decision on Appointment of Char and members of the Board Prising “11 October” Award;
5. Stipulation of Draft-decision on Dismissal and Appointment of Chair and Members of the Board Prising “Mother Teresa” Award;
6. Stipulation of Draft-decision on Dismissal and Appointment of Chair and Members of the Board Prising “St. Clement of Ohrid” Award;
7. Other issues.