Joint Parliamentary Committee EU - Republic of Macedonia


                Tasks and Goals 
                Rules of Procedure

                 Previous Meetings (1995 - 2004)
                 1st Meeting (30 and 31 March 2005, Skopje, Republic of Macedonia) 
                 2nd Meeting (5 and 6 December 2005, Brussels, Kingdom of Belgium)
                 3rd Meeting (30 and 31 January 2007, Skopje, Republic of Macedonia)
                 4th Meeting (26 and 27 November 2007, Brussels, Kingdom of Belgium)
                 5th Meeting (27 and 28 November 2008, Skopje, Republic of Macedonia) 
                 6th Meeting (31 March 2009, Brussels, Kingdom of Belgium)
                 7th Meeting (18-19 February 2010, Skopje, Republic of Macedonia)
                 8th Meeting (29 and 30 November 2010, Brussels, Kingdom of Belgium) 
                 9th Meeting (3-4 November 2011, Skopje, Republic of Macedonia)      
                 10th Meeting (7 June 2012, Brussels, Kingdom of Belgium)
                 11th Meeting (22-23 May 2013, Strasbourg)

                 Other Activities 


The Joint Parliamentary Committee EU-Republic of Macedonia has been established by a Resolution of the European Parliament on 10 March 2004, as well as by a Decision of the Assembly of the Republic of Macedonia of 7 December 2004 for Setting up a Delegation of the Assembly of the Republic of Macedonia to the Stabilization and Association Parliamentary Committee, on the basis of the Stabilization and Association Agreement of the Republic of Macedonia (Article 114 in particular). The Assembly of the Republic of Macedonia has a Co-Chair, two Vice-Chairs and fourteen members in the Committee. The establishment of the Joint Parliamentary Committee (JPC) is a result of the determination of our country for a fully-fledged membership in the EU, as well as through a parliamentary dialogue to contribute to the Euro-integration process and the fulfilment of European standards. JPC is forum where members of the Assembly of the Republic of Macedonia and the European Parliament can exchange experiences, opinions and positions that will strengthen their mutual partnership. The Committee, as a bilateral body that differentiates Republic of Macedonia from other countries in the so called Western Balkans, is an official and efficient strengthening and upgrade of relations and the cooperation, at a higher level, of the Assembly of the Republic of Macedonia and the European Parliament. The basic goal of the JPC is to consider all aspects of relations between the Republic of Macedonia and the EU, and the implementation of the Stabilization and Association Agreement in particular. On a proposal of the Bureau of the Joint Parliamentary Committee, recommendations may be issued to the Assembly and the Government of the Republic of Macedonia, to the Council of the European Union and to the European Commission. JPC meets twice a year - once in the Assembly of the Republic of Macedonia and once in the European Parliament. The sessions of the Joint Parliamentary Committee end with adoption of a Final Statement, which in fact is a document containing the common position on some topical issues. 


            Vice-Chair: ANDREJ PETROV
                                 ERMIRA MEHMETI

              Members: SILVANA BONEVA 
                                  VLADIMIR GJORCHEV
                                  ANTONIO MILOSHOSKI
                                  ILIJA KITANOSKI
                                  ALEKSANDAR SPASENOVSKI
                                  IVAN STOILKOVIK
                                  HAJRULA MISINI
                                  BEKIM FAZLIU
                                  OLIVER SPASOVSKI
                                  MARINELA MARICHIKJ-TUSHEVA
                                  TANJA TOMIK
                                  STANKA ANASTASOVA

                                   BORISLAV STOJMENOV
                                   LILJANA POPOVSKA
                                   VLADANKA AVIROVIK
                                   PAVLE TRAJANOV
                                   MALISHA STANKOVIK
                                   DESIRA IMERI
                                   ORHAN IBRAIMI
                                   SONJA MIRAKOVSKA
                                   BILJANA KAZANDZISKA
                                   PANCHE ORCEV
                                   SAMKA IBRAIMOSKI
