Thursday, 10 July 2014, 11:00, Hall 1
1. Draft – Final Account of the Budget of the Republic of Macedonia for 2013, accompanied by Final Report of Authorised Audit;
2. Draft-law on Corporate Income Tax – I reading;
3. Draft – law on Singe Relief of the Debts of the Citizens – I reading;
4. Draft-law Amending the Law on Supervision of Insurance – I reading;
5. Draft-law Amending the Law on Foreign Exchange Inspection – I reading;
6. Draft-law Amending the Law on Value Added Tax – I reading;
7. Draft-law Amending the Law on Financial Organizations – I reading;
8. Draft-law Amending the Law on Registry of Cash Payments – I reading;
9. Draft-law Amending the Law on Obligatory Traffic Insurance – I reading;
10. Draft-law Amending the Law on Procedure for Illegally Built Objects – I reading;
11. Draft – law Amending the Law on Transport in the Road Traffic – I reading
12. Draft-law Amending the Law on Construction – I reading;
13. Drat-law on Sport Academy – I reading;
14. Draft-law Amending the Law on Special Registry on Convicted Persons by Final Verdict for Criminal Acts of Sexual Abuse of Minors and Paedophilia – I reading;
15. Draft-law Amending the Law on Real Estate Cadastre;
16. Draft-law Appending the Criminal Code – I reading;
17. Draft-law on Violations – I reading;
18. Draft-law Amending the Law on Health Care Insurance – I reading;
19. Draft-law Appending the Law on Sampling and Transplantation of Human Body Parts for Medical Treatment- I reading;
20. Draft-law Amending the Law Subsidizing Home Loans , shortened procedure;
21. Draft decision on reimbursement of expenses for the participants in the election campaign from whose candidate list was elected the President of the Republic of Macedonia in 2014 and participants in the election campaign from whose candidate lists President of the Republic of Macedonia was not elected; (Submitted by: Krsto Mukoski, Talat Xhaferi, Chedomir Sazdovski, Imer Aliu);
22. Draft decision on reimbursement of expenses for the participants in the election campaign from whose candidate list were elected the Members of the Assembly of the Republic of Macedonia and participants in the election campaign of whose candidate lists the Members of the Assembly of the Republic of Macedonia were not elected (Submitted by: Krsto Mukoski, Talat Xhaferi, Chedomir Sazdovski, Imer Aliu);
23. Draft-law Amending the Law on MPs, shortened procedure (Submitted by: Aleksandar Nikoloski, Talat Xhaferi);
24. Verification of a Mandate of Member of the Assembly of the Republic of Macedonia;
25. Proposal on Appointment of Deputy Ministers of the Government of the Republic of Macedonia;
26. Request for Authentic Interpretation of Article 45 of the Law on Local Self Government and Article 29 – a of the Law on Salaries and Other Supplements for Electedand Appointed Officials in the Republic of Macedonia, submitted by the Maypor of Bosilovo;
27. Draft-decision Amending the Decision on Election of Chairpersons, Deputy Chairpersons, Members and Deputy Members in the Committees of the Assembly of the Republic of Macedonia;
28. Draft-decision Amending the Decision Establishing the Parliamentary Groups for Cooperation with Parliaments from Other States and Election of Chairs and Members of the Parliamentary Groups for Cooperation with Parliaments from Other States;
29. Draft-decision on Election of Members of the Inter – Community Relations Committee;
30. Draft-decision on the Composition of the Budgetary Council of the Assembly of the Republic of Macedonia;
31. Stipulation of Draft-decision on Election of Chair, Members and Deputy Members of the Parliamentary Channel Council;
32. Draft-decision on Public Call to the Authorised Proponents for Submission of Proposed Candidates for Members of the Program Council of the Macedonian Radio Television (Submitted by: Zoran Ilioski)